Relations between Russia and the USA at the level of the "Ice Age"; A big conflict?

Russian Ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov said today that relations between Moscow and Washington are at the level of the "Ice Age".

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 23.12.2022.


Relations between Russia and the USA at the level of the
Foto: Profimedia

Relations between Russia and the USA at the level of the "Ice Age"; A big conflict?

He emphasized that the US does not want a complete termination because they understand that this would cause drastic consequences.

"The fault lies with the American ruling circles who are obsessed with making us apostates, and the level of dialogue is at the level of the Ice Age. Contacts with representatives of the administration are sporadic... There is no indication that Washington is ready to seek a diplomatic solution to normalize bilateral relations", noted Antonov.

He assessed that the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Washington made it clear that the USA and Ukraine are looking for war, not peace.

In an interview for TASS, Antonov stated that Zelensky, during his visit to the USA, showed servility and readiness to continue the conflict between the Russian and Ukrainian people.

"We have all seen a theater performance in which the Ukrainian president had his role. He came here to beg for money and weapons and constantly spoke about his commitment to democratic ideals and his willingness to subordinate the interests of his country to the politics of Washington,'' said Antonov.

The ambassador assessed that there is a high risk of a direct conflict between Russia and the USA.

"No one is hiding the real goal of the White House in relation to Russia anymore." Political commentators agree that the American proxy war against Russia on the territory of Ukraine must be intensified. I remind you, the proxy war is being led by someone else's hands. This is exactly what the Americans are doing on Ukrainian territory,'' he said.

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