Dodik completely lost his nerves: you jackass, you idiots ... VIDEO

Following a chaotic session marked by verbal clashes, slaps and insults, the RS Parliament today supported Serbian Presidency Member Milorad Dodik


Tuesday, 24.12.2019.


Dodik completely lost his nerves: you jackass, you idiots ... VIDEO

Dodik completely lost his nerves: you jackass, you idiots ... VIDEO

The Assembly of Republika Srpska had endorsed Dodik's interpretation that a document called the "Reform Program" adopted by the BiH Presidency on November 19th does not mean consent to continue BiH's accession to NATO, but merely a plan of measures to be implemented in terms of establishing co-operation with this military alliance.

In the RS Assembly, Monday was a turbulent and chaotic day that ended up with a slap.

Namely, opposition MPs left the session just before midnight, and the immediate cause was the physical attack by RS Interior Minister Dragan Lukac on MP Drasko Stanivukovic. Lukac also slapped Stanivukovic in the face.

The session then resumed, and at one point Milorad Dodik came out, sending a number of insults to the MPs who criticized him, reported.

He told SDS MP Nebojsa Vukanovic that he was a "fool and a schizophrenic", threatening to bring medical records to parliament to prove it. When Parliament Speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic warned him that he could not treat MPs that way, Dodik attacked him as well.

"What are you interrupting me for? Did you not interrupt him (Vukanovic)?" Dodik yelled, hitting the microphones in front of him. "Jackass!", he shouted at Vukanovic.

Vukanovic claimed that Dodik had provided a false document to the RS Parliament that was not a true "Reform Program" and accused him of pushing Bosnia-Herzegovina into NATO membership despite what he was saying publicly.

He appealed on Dodik to resign and leave the country, taking out with him all the money he had robbed in his two decades long rule in the RS.

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