Chaos in Slovenia, shock in Croatia

In the last 24 hours, 12.286 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Slovenia, which is an absolute daily record since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 19.01.2022.


Chaos in Slovenia, shock in Croatia
Foto: Tanjug/ AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Chaos in Slovenia, shock in Croatia

In the last 24 hours, 12.286 newly infected with COVID-19 have been confirmed in Slovenia, which is an absolute daily record since the outbreak of the pandemic. In Croatia, the number of newly infected exceeds 10.000.

As many as 63.2 percent of the tested samples in Slovenia were positive, reports the STA agency.

State Secretary Franc Vindišar said that the number of newly infected people on a daily basis is expected to grow for some time, i.e. that the peak of the wave of infections should occur at the end of January.

According to Slovenian media, the situation in hospitals is stable despite the increase in infections.

The Croatian public is also shocked by the unofficially published numbers of newly infected people. Local media state that over 10.000 newly infected people will be registered today, only through PCR tests. The results of the rapid tests are still pending.

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