OSCE media rep responds to criticism

OSCE's Freedom of the Media representative has rejected the criticism of her office, <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=12&dd=04&nav_id=96268" class="text-link" target= "_blank">voiced earlier on Friday</a> by Aleksandar Vucic and Sergei Lavrov.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 04.12.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

OSCE media rep responds to criticism

"I am always open to criticism and discussion about my work, but cannot accept false accusations and misleading of the public about the work of my institution," writes Mijatovic, and adds that "all her interventions are based on facts."

According to her, this is "not the case with Minister Lavrov’s statement which is based on incorrect information." Mijatovic then lists all the cases where she intervened, "that Minister Lavrov says she did not."

Mijatovic further stated that she "offered to engage in a meaningful discussion on many occasions" but that this offer was not taken up - "instead, they repeat the same line again and again."

The OSCE official also noted that it was "particularly disappointing that Serbia as the Chair of the OSCE is attacking the OSCE institution."

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