Ilić won't rule out coalition with Radicals

New Serbia leader (NS) Velimir Ilić has not ruled out the possibility of forming a coalition with the Radicals.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 13.03.2008.


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New Serbia leader (NS) Velimir Ilic has not ruled out the possibility of forming a coalition with the Radicals. Ilic added that Vojislav Kostunica was the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and NS’s candidate for the post of prime minister. Ilic won't rule out coalition with Radicals Ilic said that, after the elections, the DSS-NS coalition would certainly not enter a coalition with the League of Vojvodina Social-Democrats (LSV), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) or G17 Plus, but did not rule out the possibility of forming a coalition with the Serb Radical Party (SRS). “We will assess the election results and see who the people have given their backing to, and in what numbers. We must respect the will of the people. I cannot and will not say that I am against my people. And if the people choose the Radicals, then they are in the running,” the NS leader told today’s edition of daily Vecernje Novosti. He said that he would certainly not enter a coalition with the LSV, LDP or G17 Plus, accusing the latter of having “brought down” two governments, adding that, should G17 Plus or LSV leader Nenad Canak appear on the Democratic Party (DS) list he would certainly not form a government with them either. Ilic stated that he would only form a government with partners who guaranteed that they would not violate the Constitution, would not accept an independent Kosovo, and would not enter Europe without Kosovo. The NS leader also said that Kostunica would be the DSS-NS coalition’s candidate for prime minister. He said statements claiming that Kostunica had talked with the SRS about forming a government, and that the SRS had rejected that proposal before he took the decision to step down, were untrue. “That is not true. We didn’t negotiate, nor did the Radicals refuse,” insisted Ilic, adding that there had been talks with the DS to throw G17 Plus out of the government. “Lots of DS ministers told me that they agreed that G17 Plus should leave the government and that the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) would support the minority government,” he claimed. Velimir Ilic (FoNet, archive)

Ilić won't rule out coalition with Radicals

Ilić said that, after the elections, the DSS-NS coalition would certainly not enter a coalition with the League of Vojvodina Social-Democrats (LSV), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) or G17 Plus, but did not rule out the possibility of forming a coalition with the Serb Radical Party (SRS).

“We will assess the election results and see who the people have given their backing to, and in what numbers. We must respect the will of the people. I cannot and will not say that I am against my people. And if the people choose the Radicals, then they are in the running,” the NS leader told today’s edition of daily Večernje Novosti.

He said that he would certainly not enter a coalition with the LSV, LDP or G17 Plus, accusing the latter of having “brought down” two governments, adding that, should G17 Plus or LSV leader Nenad Čanak appear on the Democratic Party (DS) list he would certainly not form a government with them either.

Ilić stated that he would only form a government with partners who guaranteed that they would not violate the Constitution, would not accept an independent Kosovo, and would not enter Europe without Kosovo.

The NS leader also said that Koštunica would be the DSS-NS coalition’s candidate for prime minister.

He said statements claiming that Koštunica had talked with the SRS about forming a government, and that the SRS had rejected that proposal before he took the decision to step down, were untrue.

“That is not true. We didn’t negotiate, nor did the Radicals refuse,” insisted Ilić, adding that there had been talks with the DS to throw G17 Plus out of the government.

“Lots of DS ministers told me that they agreed that G17 Plus should leave the government and that the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) would support the minority government,” he claimed.

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