Thursday, 13.03.2008.


Ilić won't rule out coalition with Radicals

New Serbia leader (NS) Velimir Ilić has not ruled out the possibility of forming a coalition with the Radicals.

Izvor: Beta

Iliæ won't rule out coalition with Radicals IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

Last Presidentials showed the only real difference among the Serbian parties. And it was over the item how to link all-Serbian strive to EU membership with the all-Serbian strive to keep Kosovo and Metohija. Besides this vital issue all the parties are becoming ( at least trying to look out) closer to the Center. There's little radicalism in what Tadic or Nicolic say today.

So the real choice for you will be whom personally do you trust more. Evidently the West and The Snake will again synchronise they behavior with Tadic not to irritate the Serbs before they vote. So they will not force their Kosovo activity this two months to give you a fake hope.

I personally believe that a human being is formed by the age of 15. Thus there's a mere hope that people after 40 are able to change drastically. But because the first rule of the new elected ones is to forget what they had promised during the elections I believe the Serbs should compare what Tadic , Ilic. Nikolic or Kostunica were saying and doing last few years but not today.

Russian people have a joke that a sapper makes only three mistakes in his life when he chooses his proffession , when he gets married and when he blows up on a mine ... Practically everybody knows that a sapper has no right for a mistake. And such are the Serbs today ...

Cheers !


pre 16 godina

DSS is finished, and even though Kostunica is a power hungry guy and has put his name once again up for the position of Prime Minister, that won't happen. If the radicals win big and form alliances they would want their own man as PM not Kostunica again. Kostunica changes sides just to be in power, but this time I do not think that his party will get a substantial amount of votes for it to matter anyway.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

What if after the elections there was a SRS, DS, DS-NS & SPS Government - ?

Long shot but this would be a unity government which would be a strong message and the first objective would be calling EU bluff on SAA for ALL of Serbia! This might be a sacrifice that SRS and others might not be willing to pay but possibly would to uphold Serbia's sovereignity. They should start thinking out of the party box and more at the unity box - that is required at this time!

What is clear the DS slogan that in the EU they can block Kosovo has already fallen flat on its face given Rupels outburst yesterday beyond which it is tacit recognition in itself since you can only block another countries accession which is what they suggest?!

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

What if after the elections there was a SRS, DS, DS-NS & SPS Government - ?

Long shot but this would be a unity government which would be a strong message and the first objective would be calling EU bluff on SAA for ALL of Serbia! This might be a sacrifice that SRS and others might not be willing to pay but possibly would to uphold Serbia's sovereignity. They should start thinking out of the party box and more at the unity box - that is required at this time!

What is clear the DS slogan that in the EU they can block Kosovo has already fallen flat on its face given Rupels outburst yesterday beyond which it is tacit recognition in itself since you can only block another countries accession which is what they suggest?!


pre 16 godina

DSS is finished, and even though Kostunica is a power hungry guy and has put his name once again up for the position of Prime Minister, that won't happen. If the radicals win big and form alliances they would want their own man as PM not Kostunica again. Kostunica changes sides just to be in power, but this time I do not think that his party will get a substantial amount of votes for it to matter anyway.


pre 16 godina

Last Presidentials showed the only real difference among the Serbian parties. And it was over the item how to link all-Serbian strive to EU membership with the all-Serbian strive to keep Kosovo and Metohija. Besides this vital issue all the parties are becoming ( at least trying to look out) closer to the Center. There's little radicalism in what Tadic or Nicolic say today.

So the real choice for you will be whom personally do you trust more. Evidently the West and The Snake will again synchronise they behavior with Tadic not to irritate the Serbs before they vote. So they will not force their Kosovo activity this two months to give you a fake hope.

I personally believe that a human being is formed by the age of 15. Thus there's a mere hope that people after 40 are able to change drastically. But because the first rule of the new elected ones is to forget what they had promised during the elections I believe the Serbs should compare what Tadic , Ilic. Nikolic or Kostunica were saying and doing last few years but not today.

Russian people have a joke that a sapper makes only three mistakes in his life when he chooses his proffession , when he gets married and when he blows up on a mine ... Practically everybody knows that a sapper has no right for a mistake. And such are the Serbs today ...

Cheers !


pre 16 godina

DSS is finished, and even though Kostunica is a power hungry guy and has put his name once again up for the position of Prime Minister, that won't happen. If the radicals win big and form alliances they would want their own man as PM not Kostunica again. Kostunica changes sides just to be in power, but this time I do not think that his party will get a substantial amount of votes for it to matter anyway.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

What if after the elections there was a SRS, DS, DS-NS & SPS Government - ?

Long shot but this would be a unity government which would be a strong message and the first objective would be calling EU bluff on SAA for ALL of Serbia! This might be a sacrifice that SRS and others might not be willing to pay but possibly would to uphold Serbia's sovereignity. They should start thinking out of the party box and more at the unity box - that is required at this time!

What is clear the DS slogan that in the EU they can block Kosovo has already fallen flat on its face given Rupels outburst yesterday beyond which it is tacit recognition in itself since you can only block another countries accession which is what they suggest?!


pre 16 godina

Last Presidentials showed the only real difference among the Serbian parties. And it was over the item how to link all-Serbian strive to EU membership with the all-Serbian strive to keep Kosovo and Metohija. Besides this vital issue all the parties are becoming ( at least trying to look out) closer to the Center. There's little radicalism in what Tadic or Nicolic say today.

So the real choice for you will be whom personally do you trust more. Evidently the West and The Snake will again synchronise they behavior with Tadic not to irritate the Serbs before they vote. So they will not force their Kosovo activity this two months to give you a fake hope.

I personally believe that a human being is formed by the age of 15. Thus there's a mere hope that people after 40 are able to change drastically. But because the first rule of the new elected ones is to forget what they had promised during the elections I believe the Serbs should compare what Tadic , Ilic. Nikolic or Kostunica were saying and doing last few years but not today.

Russian people have a joke that a sapper makes only three mistakes in his life when he chooses his proffession , when he gets married and when he blows up on a mine ... Practically everybody knows that a sapper has no right for a mistake. And such are the Serbs today ...

Cheers !