Irinej: Serbs should turn out and vote

Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Irinej said on Monday that the Serbs in Kosovo should turn out at the upcoming local elections.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 14.10.2013.


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PEC Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Irinej said on Monday that the Serbs in Kosovo should turn out at the upcoming local elections. They should vote for the best among them, for "men" of authority, he specified. Irinej: Serbs should turn out and vote Irinej said that it would be "tragic if the Serbs boycotted the vote and failed to form the government in regions where they make up the majority population." "If the Serbs are in a position to vote, let them vote for the best among them, for the men of renown and authority, whose word will mean something," the patriarch was quoted as saying. "Given that our people lack unity, the Serb turnout in the elections should be “all or none” as only that can prove salutary and useful," the SPC head said. The Serbian patriarch conducted liturgy service for the celebration of the SPC Pec Patriarchate day – the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. (Tanjug) Tanjug

Irinej: Serbs should turn out and vote

Irinej said that it would be "tragic if the Serbs boycotted the vote and failed to form the government in regions where they make up the majority population."

"If the Serbs are in a position to vote, let them vote for the best among them, for the men of renown and authority, whose word will mean something," the patriarch was quoted as saying.

"Given that our people lack unity, the Serb turnout in the elections should be “all or none” as only that can prove salutary and useful," the SPC head said.

The Serbian patriarch conducted liturgy service for the celebration of the SPC Peć Patriarchate day – the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin.

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