EU Delegation Celebrating Europe Day in Serbia

The European Union (EU) Delegation to Serbia is celebrating Europe Day at a series of events, Beta is reporting.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 09.05.2017.


EU Delegation Celebrating Europe Day in Serbia
(Getty Images, file)

EU Delegation Celebrating Europe Day in Serbia

The EU Delegation will not only celebrate May 9, but will organize a string of events in the Month of Europe.

A European film festival opened in Novi Sad on May 8, and will be organized in four more Serbian cities in collaboration with EU embassies.

Some 60 high-school students will travel on May 9 to visit Slovenia, Austria and Hungary in the frame of a competition organized by the EU Delegation as part of the Europa Diary project.

On Europe Day, awards will be given to participants in a Facebook contest and debate on the role of young people in Serbia's European future.

This week, with the support of the EU Info Center, several EU embassies will open their doors the Belgian embassy will do so on May 10, Finland's, the day after, and Slovakia's, on May 13.

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