“New elections possible if we fail to agree with partners”

Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) acting leader Aleksandar Vučić has confirmed that the SNS is not giving up on changes in local ruling structures.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 26.08.2012.


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BELGRADE Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) acting leader Aleksandar Vucic has confirmed that the SNS is not giving up on changes in local ruling structures. “It is necessary to agree on it with our coalition partners. Otherwise, the SNS is always ready for new elections,” he said at the SNS Main Board meeting on Sunday. “New elections possible if we fail to agree with partners” “We can either agree or it is not the end of the world. If anyone wants to have elections, anytime, we will never run away from the elections,” Vucic added. He said that it was unacceptable to have some of SNS’ coalition partners in power in Novi Sad and some other town because they “won three times less votes than the Progressives”. “We respect our coalition partners,” Vucic said but added that SNS members in Novi Sad, Leskovac and Zajecar did not have to worry and that he “will take the responsibility but that they will have to work much better and be more responsible”. He noted that the SNS did not demand power but basic respect and responsibility. “We will not allow others to treat us like someone that is not worthy enough in any town in Serbia,” Vucic said. According to earlier announcements, the SNS officials will at the Main Board meeting discuss the issue of coalitions on the local level and preparations for the SNS Assembly which is planned for late September. The SNS signed a memorandum on joint political action in the Novi Sad Assembly with the Serbian Renewal Movement and Roma Democratic Party on Saturday. SNS Novi Sad Board President Milos Vucevic said that the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) had until September 1 to decide whether it would join the talks on the new coalition. The SNS claims that the Democratic Party (DS) no longer has majority in the Novi Sad city assembly. Vucic said that the ruling majority in Belgrade would not be changed. Commenting on the situation in the party, he said that it was much better than in other political parties in Serbia. Aleksandar Vucic (Tanjug) B92 Beta Tanjug

“New elections possible if we fail to agree with partners”

“We can either agree or it is not the end of the world. If anyone wants to have elections, anytime, we will never run away from the elections,” Vučić added.
He said that it was unacceptable to have some of SNS’ coalition partners in power in Novi Sad and some other town because they “won three times less votes than the Progressives”.

“We respect our coalition partners,” Vučić said but added that SNS members in Novi Sad, Leskovac and Zaječar did not have to worry and that he “will take the responsibility but that they will have to work much better and be more responsible”.

He noted that the SNS did not demand power but basic respect and responsibility.

“We will not allow others to treat us like someone that is not worthy enough in any town in Serbia,” Vučić said.

According to earlier announcements, the SNS officials will at the Main Board meeting discuss the issue of coalitions on the local level and preparations for the SNS Assembly which is planned for late September.

The SNS signed a memorandum on joint political action in the Novi Sad Assembly with the Serbian Renewal Movement and Roma Democratic Party on Saturday. SNS Novi Sad Board President Miloš Vučević said that the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) had until September 1 to decide whether it would join the talks on the new coalition.

The SNS claims that the Democratic Party (DS) no longer has majority in the Novi Sad city assembly.

Vučić said that the ruling majority in Belgrade would not be changed.

Commenting on the situation in the party, he said that it was much better than in other political parties in Serbia.

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