Nine years since end of NATO attacks

Today marks nine years since the Yugoslav Army (VS) and NATO signed the Military-Technical Agreement on withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 09.06.2008.


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Today marks nine years since the Yugoslav Army (VS) and NATO signed the Military-Technical Agreement on withdrawal of the Serbian security forces from Kosovo. The signing in Kumanovo, Macedonia, ended the 78 days of NATO's attacks on military, police and civilian targets in Kosovo and central Serbia. Nine years since end of NATO attacks At the same time, UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1244, based on which a NATO-led force, known as KFOR, deployed in the province. State media in Serbia uses data that says 2,000 people were killed in the NATO bombing, while 5,000 were injured. However, official records have never been released. Serbia's infrastructure, businesses, schools, health care institutions, media companies and monuments of culture sustained heavy damage during the bombing, which the western military alliance launched on March 24, 1999.

Nine years since end of NATO attacks

At the same time, UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1244, based on which a NATO-led force, known as KFOR, deployed in the province.

State media in Serbia uses data that says 2,000 people were killed in the NATO bombing, while 5,000 were injured. However, official records have never been released.

Serbia's infrastructure, businesses, schools, health care institutions, media companies and monuments of culture sustained heavy damage during the bombing, which the western military alliance launched on March 24, 1999.

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Drama na nebu, hitno podignuti borbeni avioni

Ruski vojni avion juče je nakratko narušio vazdušni prostor Švedske istočno od baltičkog ostrva Gotland, nakon čega su ga presreli švedski borbeni avioni, saopštile su danas oružane snage te nordijske zemlje.



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