Pristina "allowed Djuric to travel to Kosovo"

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric was given permission by authorities in Kosovo to visit on April 27 and 28.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 28.04.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

Pristina "allowed Djuric to travel to Kosovo"

Beta added that last week, "after the refusal of Serbian authorities to enable the stay and participation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo Hashim Thaci in a conference (in Belgrade)" Djuric was initially not given permission to travel to Kosovo, which was interprested in Pristina "as a measure of reciprocity because of the attitude towards Thaci."

Thaci was informed by Serbian authorities that there was a valid warrant for his arrest and that if he would be detained if he traveled to Belgrade.

Other senior officials of government in Pristina said at the time they would "consider all requests by Djuric and other senior officials of Serbia to travel to Kosovo, and decide on each request," the news agency said.

After it was announced that Pristina would not give him permission to travel to Kosovo, Djuric last week commented, "See you in Kosovo."

"Stability and survival"

Serbia wants "stability and survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," Marko Djuric said on Monday in Kosovska Mitrovica, Tanjug has reported.

"We want stability and survival of our people, much more unity among our people and, in the year since the formation of Aleksandar Vucic's government, our policy was based on the principles proclaimed in the presentation delivered at the time the government was elected," Djuric told a press conference.

"The first principle is that Serbia does not - and will not - recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, the second is that it will resolve all its open issues with Kosovo and Metohija through dialogue and EU mediation, and the third principle is that the Serbian government will be taking care of the institutions and the people in Kosovo and Metohija," he was quoted as saying.

Djuric added that he "noticed many issues in the work of Serb institutions in Kosovo and Metohija," and that "much has to be improved in health-care and education systems."

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