Vučić: The noose is not around Vučić's neck but around our country VIDEO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is in Davos, where he is participating in the 53rd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 18.01.2023.


Vučić: The noose is not around Vučić's neck but around our country VIDEO
Foto: Profimedia

Vučić: The noose is not around Vučić's neck but around our country VIDEO

"Difficult times are ahead of us. The only thing they are interested in are sanctions, independent Kosovo. A decisive year is ahead of us, probably one of the most difficult," said Vučić.

"Many challenges await us, it's not a noose around Vučić's neck but our country. They can't blackmail me, it's an attack and a noose for our country," said Vučić.

"You see in this paper of the European Union, they say to attack all secessionists. And those secessionists, they carried out a violent secession of part of our territory. So, how far can this insolence go. You can't stand it, I don't have a word to use. They want to condemn those who support secession, I guess of parts of Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those who bombed a country and carried out a violent secession. And you don't believe it when you read it. And then you read part of the media: 'A noose around Vučić's neck'. Well, no, that is a noose around the whole country," said Vučić.

"Force can do anything. Everything can be done by force, they can lie and say that they did it just for us, even if they tell us - that's your maximum," said Vučić.

"Vučić will fight for Serbia, and there'll always be mockingbirds who will mock everything. Idle people cannot defeat those who want to fight. That's why I call people to fight for the progress of Serbia. Serbia is waiting for a more difficult conversation with the most powerful countries in the world. We are the only ones who protect international public law, everyone else violates it," said Vučić. He responded to the accusations of the media from Bosnia-Herzegovina that he allegedly fired shots in Sarajevo, and explained that he was visiting the soldiers, but did not take the rifle in his hands. "I didn't have any weapons. I guess they know better than me what I had done and what I hadn't done. They can lie to the point of insanity. Why do the media from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina do that? Because they won't listen to what I've been doing for the past 11 years. They don't care I was not even a member of the SRS or any party at that time. That was back in 1992, and I joined the SRS in 1993," said Vučić.

"In the background of everything is pressure, pressure, pressure..." he stated. President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke today with the EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajčak, at the WEF Congress Center.

Vučić also met with the Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel.

During his three-day stay in Davos, Vučić will attend a series of meetings of world leaders, including a session on the Diplomatic Dialogue on the Western Balkans.

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