Ukrainians gained some more time? The general spoke up, "It's obvious..."

According to VSU General Mykhailo Zabrodskyi, it is unlikely that partial mobilization will affect the situation on the contact line in the near future.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 22.09.2022.


Ukrainians gained some more time? The general spoke up,
Foto: Profimedia

Ukrainians gained some more time? The general spoke up, "It's obvious..."

The Armed Forces of Ukraine may not feel the result of Russian frontline mobilization until December 2022.

This was said in an interview for Ukrinform by Lieutenant General Mykhailo Zabrodskyi, first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee for National Security, Defense and Intelligence Affairs.

According to him, the time factor has a significant impact, because mobilization, like any process at the state level, takes time.

"Minimum experience, organizational efforts, local corruption should play their role. It is obvious that recent proposals to strengthen criminal liability for avoiding military service in wartime have been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration," added Zabrodskyi.

According to the general, since there is no reason to suspect the Russian reservists of "excessive enthusiasm", the procedure of informing, collecting and sending to military units may require at least a month or two. "Provided that the minimum necessary for the preparation of the mobilized is introduced, it will take at least another month.

In general operational terms, this means that the Russian command can count on the practical results of the mobilization by December of this year at the latest," said the general, reports "Novosti". Zabrodskyi summarized that if preparation is neglected, this period can be shortened.

Despite this, partial mobilization is unlikely to affect the situation at the line of contact in the near future.

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