Poll: SNS most popular, Serbians "want elections"

The ruling Serb Progressive Party (SNS) is currently the country's most popular and can count on the support of 41.5 percent of voters, a new poll has shown.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 02.10.2013.


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BELGRADE The ruling Serb Progressive Party (SNS) is currently the country's most popular and can count on the support of 41.5 percent of voters, a new poll has shown. At the same time 62 percent of respondents said they were in favor of early parliamentary elections, "feeling that the parties already act as if in an election campaign," according to the Faktor Plus survey presented on Tuesday. Poll: SNS most popular, Serbians "want elections" The SNS are followed by the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition (12.7%), the Democratic Party (11.8 %), the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS, 6.1%), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP, 5.8%), and the United Regions of Serbia (URS, 4.4%)- which is below the five percent threshold necessary for winning parliament seats. The other parties are supported by a total of 13.7 percent of respondents and have below three percent each. The poll also showed that as many as 84 percent of those interviewed did not wish to see a gay parade in Belgrade, whereas 11 percent thought the gathering should be held, "whatever the price," Beta has reported. The research was carried out September 27-30, on a sample of 1,080 adult citizens. Predrag Lacmanovic and Vladimir Pejic present the survey's results (Beta) Beta

Poll: SNS most popular, Serbians "want elections"

The SNS are followed by the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition (12.7%), the Democratic Party (11.8 %), the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS, 6.1%), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP, 5.8%), and the United Regions of Serbia (URS, 4.4%)- which is below the five percent threshold necessary for winning parliament seats.

The other parties are supported by a total of 13.7 percent of respondents and have below three percent each.

The poll also showed that as many as 84 percent of those interviewed did not wish to see a gay parade in Belgrade, whereas 11 percent thought the gathering should be held, "whatever the price," Beta has reported.

The research was carried out September 27-30, on a sample of 1,080 adult citizens.

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