Hungary to build 4-meter tall fence along border with Serbia

Hungary will build a 4-meter-tall fence along its border with Serbia to "stem the flow of illegal migrants," Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 17.06.2015.


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Peter Szijjarto (Beta, file)

Hungary to build 4-meter tall fence along border with Serbia

"We are talking about a stretch of border 175 kilometers long, whose physical closure can happen with a 4-meter tall fence. The interior minister received an instruction to prepare that," Szijjarto stated.

According to the Hungarian MTI agency, preparations for this should be finalized by next Wednesday.

The minister also "stressed that the move is not contrary to international obligations, nor does it violate any international agreement," and that a meeting of EU interior ministers "pointed out that Hungary is a member-state most affected by migrations."

In the meantime, the Hungarian parliament is debating amendments to legislation on migrations, seeking to introduce more strict rules when it comes to grating refugee status.

Last week, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban threatened to close the border with Serbia.

The two countries' governments should hold a summit dedicated to this issue in early July.

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