Serbians rescued from snowbound vehicles in Hungary

Serbian citizens who were stuck in buses and cars on a snowbound road in Hungary for almost 24 hours have been evacuated.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 16.03.2013.


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BELGRADE, BUDAPEST Serbian citizens who were stuck in buses and cars on a snowbound road in Hungary for almost 24 hours have been evacuated. The Hungarian authorities managed to clear the snow from a section of the highway from the town of Gyor, where several thousands of vehicles had been snowbound, to Budapest. Serbians rescued from snowbound vehicles in Hungary Around 13,000 people were evacuated from the snowed in vehicles. Serbian Consul in Budapest Milan Vukosavljevic has said that several hundreds of Serbian citizens were rescued from the snowbound vehicles. Tanjug has learned that Mathematics Gymnasium students from the northern Serbian town of Senta are safe and evacuated to a town 55 kilometers from Budapest. All Serbian citizens who were stuck on the highway have been evacuated and are now safe. M1 highway between Budapest and Vienna is still blocked and it is not likely to be open for traffic today. The Hungarian authorities declared the state of emergency on Friday. The Hungarian Army has deployed tanks to help clear the roads across the country. More than 170 roads are still blocked and around 79 towns are cut off from the world. Several thousands of households are left without electricity. (Tanjug) B92 Tanjug

Serbians rescued from snowbound vehicles in Hungary

Around 13,000 people were evacuated from the snowed in vehicles.

Serbian Consul in Budapest Milan Vukosavljević has said that several hundreds of Serbian citizens were rescued from the snowbound vehicles.

Tanjug has learned that Mathematics Gymnasium students from the northern Serbian town of Senta are safe and evacuated to a town 55 kilometers from Budapest.

All Serbian citizens who were stuck on the highway have been evacuated and are now safe.

M1 highway between Budapest and Vienna is still blocked and it is not likely to be open for traffic today.

The Hungarian authorities declared the state of emergency on Friday. The Hungarian Army has deployed tanks to help clear the roads across the country. More than 170 roads are still blocked and around 79 towns are cut off from the world. Several thousands of households are left without electricity.

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