Dodik’s statements stir new controversy

Republic of Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said that he would not allow Muslim judges to preside over cases in the RS.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 12.12.2008.


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Republic of Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said that he would not allow Muslim judges to preside over cases in the RS. This met with strong criticism in Bosnia-Herzegovina, our reporter says. Dodik’s statements stir new controversy International institutions, the American embassy in Sarajevo and a number of other officials have condemned the remarks as "extremely chauvinistic". This is seen as "the greatest challenges to the international community in their political battle of will with Dodik". Dodik is already in conflict with the Office of the High Representative (OHR) over announcements that RS would be pressing criminal enterprise charges against this institution's officials. Dodik said that he was dissatisfied with the fact that courts have begun investigations into the construction of the RS government buildings and a local highway, claiming that the OHR officials are behind the investigations. “It is unacceptable for the RS that Muslim judges try us and throw out complaints that are legally founded. And we think that it is only because they are Muslims, Bosniaks and that they have a negative orientation towards the RS, and we see the conspiracy that has been created,” Dodik said. International officials are reportedly shocked by Dodik’s statements. International High Representative Miroslav Lajcak has announced measures to stop the attacks which have been coming from the RS government against various institutions and individuals. Lajcak's reaction has been described as "unusually harsh". Sources close to the OHR believe that Dodik has crossed the line with the statement, and that the international community will no longer tolerate it. “In every standard democratic country, such a statement would mean the end of a man’s political career. I cannot accept the stance that if someone is from another ethnic group, then they must be subjective and negative. This looks very much like chauvinism to be and rest assured that there will be a number of reactions to this,” Lajcak said. It is hard to say whether these statements could end Dodik’s career, B92 reporter says, but it is certain that the OHR will introduce measures to combat such rhetoric, which has been destabilizing the political situation in the country over the last several weeks. Political analysts also see the recent actions of the RS government, including the lawsuit against Lajcak’s deputy Raffi Gregorian, as "irrational political behavior". That can be said because of the fact that the RS is not endangered in any way at this moment, they say.

Dodik’s statements stir new controversy

International institutions, the American embassy in Sarajevo and a number of other officials have condemned the remarks as "extremely chauvinistic". This is seen as "the greatest challenges to the international community in their political battle of will with Dodik".

Dodik is already in conflict with the Office of the High Representative (OHR) over announcements that RS would be pressing criminal enterprise charges against this institution's officials.

Dodik said that he was dissatisfied with the fact that courts have begun investigations into the construction of the RS government buildings and a local highway, claiming that the OHR officials are behind the investigations.

“It is unacceptable for the RS that Muslim judges try us and throw out complaints that are legally founded. And we think that it is only because they are Muslims, Bosniaks and that they have a negative orientation towards the RS, and we see the conspiracy that has been created,” Dodik said.

International officials are reportedly shocked by Dodik’s statements.

International High Representative Miroslav Lajčak has announced measures to stop the attacks which have been coming from the RS government against various institutions and individuals. Lajčak's reaction has been described as "unusually harsh".

Sources close to the OHR believe that Dodik has crossed the line with the statement, and that the international community will no longer tolerate it.

“In every standard democratic country, such a statement would mean the end of a man’s political career. I cannot accept the stance that if someone is from another ethnic group, then they must be subjective and negative. This looks very much like chauvinism to be and rest assured that there will be a number of reactions to this,” Lajčak said.

It is hard to say whether these statements could end Dodik’s career, B92 reporter says, but it is certain that the OHR will introduce measures to combat such rhetoric, which has been destabilizing the political situation in the country over the last several weeks.

Political analysts also see the recent actions of the RS government, including the lawsuit against Lajčak’s deputy Raffi Gregorian, as "irrational political behavior".

That can be said because of the fact that the RS is not endangered in any way at this moment, they say.

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