Vucic: Blatant lie, nobody asked us to get involved in RS

Aleksandar Vucic has denied that members of the Serbian Ministry of Interior (MUP) helped police in the Serb Republic (RS) on Krajina Square in Banja Luka.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 26.12.2018.


Vucic: Blatant lie, nobody asked us to get involved in RS
(Tanjug, file)

Vucic: Blatant lie, nobody asked us to get involved in RS

"I'm wondering how this occurred to somebody. We are following the events in Banja Luka, we want everything to end peacefully. That's all I can say, everything else would be interfering."

Information appreared in the public that "members of special forces who were not from the RS" participated in the police actions in Banja Luka on Tuesday.

This information was transferred by the lawyer of Davor Dragicevic, Ifet Feraget, in a statement for BHT. Because of his statement, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic reacted and "denied the allegations that members of the Serbian Ministry of Interior were present in Banja Luka."

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