Serb wounded in Banjska was remanded in custody

Basic court in Pristina ordered a detention measure of 30 days for V.T., suspected of participating in conflicts with Kosovo Police in the village of Banjska.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 26.09.2023.


Serb wounded in Banjska was remanded in custody
Tanjug/AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

Serb wounded in Banjska was remanded in custody

According to court's statement, the suspect's hearing was held at the University Clinical Center in Pristina, where he is being treated, Reporters reports.

According to the portal, "V.T. is suspected of serious crimes against the constitutional order and security and terrorist acts".

In the village of Banjska, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, there was a conflict between local Serbs and Kosovo police, in which three Serbs and one policeman were killed.

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