Serbia remains on EU path - Vucic

Serbia is on its European path and we will work to finish that process in the interest of the citizens of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 26.05.2017.


Serbia remains on EU path - Vucic

Serbia remains on EU path - Vucic

According to a press release posted on the government website, the meeting addressed "recommendations of the EU in the process of European integration, the halt in the negotiations with Pristina, problems with the formation of the Community of the Serb Municipalities, and the report on (EU accession negotiations) chapters 23 and 24."

Vucic said he was satisfied with "the increased trade with the EU, and with an increase in investments from the EU."

He "stressed that Serbia seriously considered all recommendations and that officials at the Anti-Corruption Agency will be appointed soon."

Vucic informed the ambassadors "about the course of the meeting of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and leaders of the Western Balkans which was held in Brussels two days ago (May 24)."

According to the government, Oskar Benedikt "praised the economic reforms and progress in the European integration process," while the ambassadors "expressed interest in the plans of the future president of Serbia (Vucic) and his priorities in his future work."

"Serbia belongs in Europe and you should use your presidential mandate to create in that European home the best possible conditions for your country," according to the EU ambassadors.

Responding to their questions about "the plans and the key objectives that he will advocate during his presidency," Vucic said:

"Serbia will not change its priority objectives. As president of Serbia I will work to preserve peace and stability in the region, to strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries in order to create a different economic environment. I will work on creating a single economic zone, as well as on issues of strategic importance for the country, such as dialogue with representatives of political parties in the country, which are interested in a dialogue, in order to create a better atmosphere in Serbia."

The meeting was attended by Serbia's minister without portfolio responsible for EU integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, and Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric.

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