Mogherini, Vucic and Mustafa to meet in Brussels informally

Aleksandar Vucic will visit Brussels at the invitation by High EU Representative Federica Mogherini for an informal meeting with Kosovo PM Isa Mustafa.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 13.10.2015.


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Mogherini, Vucic and Mustafa to meet in Brussels informally

According to the announcements from Brussels, the talks will cover the progress in the dialogue on normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations and future steps in the Brussels agreement implementation.

Earlier on Monday, Vucic told reporters that the topic of the talks certainly cannot be the draft platform for Chapter 35 on Kosovo-Metohija in the Serbia-EU accession talks.

The Serbian prime minister qualified the draft platform for Chapter 35, a document drafted by the European Commission and filed to EU members, as completely unacceptable because it contains a series of provisions anticipating the status of Kosovo.

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