Media: First name on SNS list a surprise? Famous presenter among top five candidates

As the President of Serbia will call parliamentary elections today, the media is concerned with the positions of the candidates on the ruling party's SNS list

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 04.03.2020.


Media: First name on SNS list a surprise? Famous presenter among top five candidates

Media: First name on SNS list a surprise? Famous presenter among top five candidates

According to these claims, Radomir Nikolic, the mayor of Kragujevac, will not be on the SNS list, while the first on that list will be Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimovic, right after the holder of the list, Aleksandar Vucic.

"Politika" writes that Kragujevac's SNS candidates in the upcoming elections will be led by economist Nikola Dasic, and that Mayor of Kragujevac Nikolic said that he would address the reasons for the decision not to run for a new term when the parliamentary list was announced.

Dasic told Politika that at the end of the week he would present a program and a team with which the Kragujevac-based SNS would run in the April 26 elections.

The daily adds that Radomir Nikolic (1976) is one year younger than his successor Dasic (1975) at the head of the Kragujevac SNS.

"Blic" writes that the fact that Nikolic is not the first on the list is not a surprise, given that in a recent Cesid poll in a group of 11 municipalities, the city government in Kragujevac received by far the worst grades.

That research showed that in Nikolic, as mayor, nine percent of citizens has confidence, while the city government has been trusted with a greater percentage.

"Kurir" writes that Nikolic immediately agreed to the decision not to be on the list.

The same newspaper writes, referring to unnamed sources at the top of the SNS, that at the moment the plan is to have Branislav Nedimovic's name immediately behind SNS list holder Aleksandar Vucic.

The source of the newspaper said that the list was read at the SNS Presidency session on Sunday and that Nedimovic was the first, while Lav Grigorije Pajkic was also in the top five for the parliamentary elections.

"This was no surprise to anyone because Nedimovic is highly ranked SNS official, has fantastic results and is loyal," a source said.

According to him, the session lasted 40 minutes, Vucic participated via conference call, and said that he would look at the list as soon as he returned from the United States.

"Alo" writes on its website that the party's presidency has decided that the name of the minister of agriculture will be immediately behind the list holder Aleksandar Vucic.

Maja Gojkovic will be second on the list, while Mayor of Novi Sad Milos Vucevic is fourth, and Lav Pajkic fifth.

Violinist Jovan Kolundzija will be the third candidate on the SNS list, and as "Alo" adds, the top 20 will feature 11 or 12 brand new faces from the SNS Young Leaders Academy.

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