Pacolli resigns as Kosovo president

Kosovo President Behgjet Pacolli resigned on Wednesday after the Constitutional Court in Priština ruled that he was elected "unconstitutionally".

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 30.03.2011.


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Kosovo President Behgjet Pacolli resigned on Wednesday after the Constitutional Court in Pristina ruled that he was elected "unconstitutionally". Pacolli was named president a month ago by the assembly in Pristina. Pacolli resigns as Kosovo president His assistant Ibrahim Gasi stated today that Pacolli is "willing to respect the decision of the Constitutional Court". He added, however, that Pacolli will run in the next presidential election, because "he did not violate the constitution".

Pacolli resigns as Kosovo president

His assistant Ibrahim Gasi stated today that Pacolli is "willing to respect the decision of the Constitutional Court".

He added, however, that Pacolli will run in the next presidential election, because "he did not violate the constitution".

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