B92 editor-in-chief, Đinđić widow get top French accolade

Ružica Đinđić, who heads the Dr. Zoran Đinđić Fund, and B92's Editor-in-Chief Veran Matić are among the recipients of this year's Legion of Honor.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 29.07.2009.


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Ruzica Djindjic, who heads the Dr. Zoran Djindjic Fund, and B92's Editor-in-Chief Veran Matic are among the recipients of this year's Legion of Honor. The explanation of the decision to award them the highest French order, presented by that country's president, says that Matic is recognized in order to honor "the fight for the freedom of the media he has led at the helm of B92". B92 editor-in-chief, Djindjic widow get top French accolade The widow of slain Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic will be awarded because of her active work at the foundation she heads. The decision was announced by French Ambassador to Serbia Jean Francois Terral, who made the propsal that Matic be awarded the Legion of Honor. "It's always a pleasure to be at B92, but today I am particularly happy, because I have notified our friend Veran Matic that the French president has decided to award him the Legion of Honor, the highest French order that expresses respect for the fight he has always led for independence and freedom of the media," said the ambassador. "With this recognition we wish to stress how important the freedom of the media is to us," Terral was quoted as saying. Ruzica Djindjic will receive the award for her work with the foundation, but also as an homage to her late husband, Serbia's first democratically elected prime minister.

B92 editor-in-chief, Đinđić widow get top French accolade

The widow of slain Serbian Premier Zoran Đinđić will be awarded because of her active work at the foundation she heads.

The decision was announced by French Ambassador to Serbia Jean Francois Terral, who made the propsal that Matić be awarded the Legion of Honor.

"It's always a pleasure to be at B92, but today I am particularly happy, because I have notified our friend Veran Matić that the French president has decided to award him the Legion of Honor, the highest French order that expresses respect for the fight he has always led for independence and freedom of the media," said the ambassador.

"With this recognition we wish to stress how important the freedom of the media is to us," Terral was quoted as saying.

Ružica Đinđić will receive the award for her work with the foundation, but also as an homage to her late husband, Serbia's first democratically elected prime minister.

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