"Passports needed to enter Kosovo"

The Kosovo Police Service has stated that starting November 12, Serbian and Montenegrin citizens will need to carry their passports in order to enter Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 14.11.2009.


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The Kosovo Police Service has stated that starting November 12, Serbian and Montenegrin citizens will need to carry their passports in order to enter Kosovo. KPS spokesperson Brahim Sadriu told B92 that “Serbian citizens can no longer enter Kosovo with only their identification cards, because the Kosovo government is asking for the Law for Foreigners to be respected, which was passed several months ago.” "Passports needed to enter Kosovo" “A special card, which Serbian citizens will receive as a border, will be used as a visa,” Sadriu said. The Serbian Ministry for Kosovo called on officials of the international community in Kosovo to do everything they can in order to stop the registration of people entering Kosovo, which is being implemented at some border crossings. “Such moves only complicate an already complex situation further in Kosovo, and represent a thought-out provocation for putting further pressure on the Serb community, especially those that live south of the Ibar River,” the Ministry stated. It added that the registration activities are unacceptable because they go against the decrees of UN Resolution 1244.

"Passports needed to enter Kosovo"

“A special card, which Serbian citizens will receive as a border, will be used as a visa,” Sadriu said.

The Serbian Ministry for Kosovo called on officials of the international community in Kosovo to do everything they can in order to stop the registration of people entering Kosovo, which is being implemented at some border crossings.

“Such moves only complicate an already complex situation further in Kosovo, and represent a thought-out provocation for putting further pressure on the Serb community, especially those that live south of the Ibar River,” the Ministry stated.

It added that the registration activities are unacceptable because they go against the decrees of UN Resolution 1244.

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