Saturday, 14.11.2009.


"Passports needed to enter Kosovo"

The Kosovo Police Service has stated that starting November 12, Serbian and Montenegrin citizens will need to carry their passports in order to enter Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

"Passports needed to enter Kosovo" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
(sj, 17 November 2009 09:09)

This is an acceptable statement. Serbia does have to co-operate for Kosovo to go forward, and it will sooner or later. It is in the interest of Serbia to let Kosovo be independent and democratic. Why would you want to keep Kosovo with 95% Albanian population under Serbia?
(kosovaman, 17 November 2009 14:50)

As you seem to be rational and not making motherhood statements, I’ll answer you honestly. My informants tells me that Serbia is willing to trade with the Albanians parts of Kosovo for other parts that have large numbers of Albanians, possibly parts of the Preshovo Valley.

However, as this does not suit the US there are objections from the Kosovar Government. There are agreements signed in 1999 that all parties have to abide by and follow if peace is to continue. If there is no division of Kosovo then the Serbs only have to wait and just like in Bosnia, wave these agreements every time the US wants to change them. The result is a back down all the time just like this passport business – the US tries, Serbia says no and nothing happens.

Unfortunately for the Albanians in Kosovo unless Serbia agrees there is no investment, no IMF funding, no EU funding for expansion etc. which ever way you call it. No corporation or company is going to establish itself in disputed territory. It’s not really costing Serbia too much money to do this. The US is only interested in Camp Bondsteel and they trot out these idiotic statements about freedom and democracy occasionally or they send a Vice President to visit to keep the people happy and give hope.

Personally I agree that Serbia should not keep the Albanians, but until there is an agreement then there is no change.


pre 14 godina

If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
(sj, 17 November 2009 09:09)

This is an acceptable statement. Serbia does have to co-operate for Kosovo to go forward, and it will sooner or later. It is in the interest of Serbia to let Kosovo be independent and democratic. Why would you want to keep Kosovo with 95% Albanian population under Serbia?


pre 14 godina

It's so funny to see all the time Serbs claiming a victory for every defeat. Passport control will be implemented not only by Kosovo border police, but also by Serbian border police, and yet I predict comments like "this is not a recognition of an independent country". I would also like to congratulate the Serbian people for voting in the Kosovo elections.
(kosovaman, 16 November 2009 16:04)

OK! The Serbs are defeated. Now that you have been satisfied we will look at the truth of this matter. Just like Bosnia, Kosovo has an agreement in place that all sides must adhere to. The US is screwed on both fronts and it can only tell you Albanians about ‘freedom and democracy, blah blah, blah” and how elections are the pathway to heaven. Unfortunately, that’s all Dell can tell you because you see if one side breaks the agreement then the other side can do the same and then all hell breaks loose which is something the US is not keen to do. Your brothers are keeping the US/NATO busy dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The US strategy is to convince Serbs to accept the current situation by having many more countries recognize Kosovo because in order for Kosovo to move ahead Belgrade has to give the green light. The strategy is designed by simpletons because this is what the US has become. If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
To try and impose passports is breaking the agreement and once again you Albanians are the butt of jokes on the US side.
Here is an old saying that relates to the elections, “one swallow does not make it summer”. So a couple of Serbs voted because they were forced because they live in enclaves surrounded by Albanians – what do you guys think that the rest of the world is stupid and don’t know what is going on!


pre 14 godina

"Kosova is new state now and recognised by 63 states, the others will follow soon."

Keep dreaming only 63 countries? even your so called government has said it wasn't pleased by now Kosovo was guaranteed to be in the UN by now. It is clear to say that it never will be as long as Serbs have Russia China Indian and other 127 legal UN countries. Kosovo is Serbian!!!


pre 14 godina

It's so funny to see all the time Serbs claiming a victory for every defeat. Passport control will be implemented not only by Kosovo border police, but also by Serbian border police, and yet I predict comments like "this is not a recognition of an independent country". I would also like to congratulate the Serbian people for voting in the Kosovo elections.


pre 14 godina

Better don’t start to build walls around Serb territories as them have high financial cost totally impossible to be guaranteed by Serbia, even with help of Russia.

Well, let’s imagine that you will manage to build them but again they will not stay for long as the Serbian people will knock them down as they had enough living surrounded by walls and fences. So stop imagining.

Kosova is new state now and recognised by 63 states, the others will follow soon.


pre 14 godina

This is more or less what WILL happen. And like it or not we shall have a frosen conflict much like Cyprus. IS this a good solution? NO it is not. It will cause uncertainty in other parts of Serbia - Presevo, Sandjak, Vojvodina etc and in BiH. It will slow the integration process of Serbia.
(nik, 15 November 2009 11:06)

Why o why albanians keep talking about Vojvodina. Do you ppl know that Serbs are majority in Vojvodina. What about Raska area or Sandjak? The situation in there is not like you wanted to be. At the end "preševo valley" include only two municipalities Presevo and Bujanovac. Two municipalites are going to proclaim indenpendency! Don't make me laugh!


pre 14 godina

Passport requirement: EXCELLENT!!!
Should have been done already.
(Joe, 15 November 2009 13:37)

1) Whatfor? And the goal is...your guess.
2) Go to Gate#1 and Gate#31 and see it being "implemented" or maybe not.

Bit more about what I believe is the goal.

An other bombastic "hot air" (call it "fing" in Hungarian) - just to go around the election silence. Just like the speech of US ambassador in Pristina, Mr. Dell.

And that measure is not about the Serbs (or indirectly Russians) you hate that much.

That is about the Drenica group trying to boost themself. Good luck to them, their time will run out one day.

I don't see for you a single reason to like these maffiosi from Drenica - but you know it better than I.


pre 14 godina

Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.

This is more or less what WILL happen. And like it or not we shall have a frosen conflict much like Cyprus. IS this a good solution? NO it is not. It will cause uncertainty in other parts of Serbia - Presevo, Sandjak, Vojvodina etc and in BiH. It will slow the integration process of Serbia.


pre 14 godina

Absolutely right Mr Common Sense!
I agree with you completely.
Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.
Then you could have your passport reguirements if you'd like and we could move freely thru our parts of Kosovo.
(Srboslav, 15 November 2009 01:44)

Correct. North should build wall along Ibar.


pre 14 godina

Serbia has a blockade against all Kosovar goods and we are doing pretty well. Perhaps you have Serbia confused with England, Japan, or China?

Serbia keeps borrowing from IMF, EUB, and RUSSIA to fill the budge gaps...the dinar has lost strength, etc.
(KOSOVARi, 15 November 2009 01:04)

What deluded people these Albanians must be that contribute to this forum. “Kosovar goods”, what are you talking about? Drugs? What does Kosovo produce? Let’s see how long you live if Serbia stops all the rivers flowing to Kosovo???? Your energy comes from generators run on diesel or petroleum brought in by the EU and you guys produce something! Tell me and I’ll go and buy it.
Serbia is an economy that has the capacity which can borrow, perhaps you might enlighten the readers by telling us just how much the IMF will lend to the Albanians in Kosovo!!!! Or Albania proper??? If you are inferring that the Russians own Serbia, well at least we would have received something before handing over our country. Albanians in Kosovo were owned lock, stock and barrel without even parting with a grain of soil.


pre 14 godina

As soon as ambasadors are exchanged they will be treated differently. With Serbia, in December the customs will be placed North, a total ban on Serbian products and passports. Tit for tat!
(arTa, 14 November 2009 17:52)

I would really like to see that. How can you make Serbs in the North to obey to the rules of your so called state. You can't rule with the lifes of Kosovo Serbs expecially not in the North.

You better stop the provocation.

Your so called governement can only install passport control in southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica just like customs control.


pre 14 godina

Wonder how long this would last if MUP lockeddown all borders to "albanian" residents of Kosovo. They wouldn't be pulling provocations like that, what they don't realize is Kosovo cannot survive without Serbia economically.
(AAA, 14 November 2009 22:57)

Serbia has a blockade against all Kosovar goods and we are doing pretty well. Perhaps you have Serbia confused with England, Japan, or China?

Serbia keeps borrowing from IMF, EUB, and RUSSIA to fill the budge gaps...the dinar has lost strength, etc.


pre 14 godina

Good fences makes good neighbour
(Common Sense, 14 November 2009 10:50)

Absolutely right Mr Common Sense!
I agree with you completely.
Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.
Then you could have your passport reguirements if you'd like and we could move freely thru our parts of Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

Look at these Kosovoalbanians trying to implement passports and rules, don't forget people this is the territory where majority of the drugs and crime comes out of to the Balkans then to the rest of the Europe, the so called illegal government of Kosovo should focus more on its people then anyone else it is a known fact what Kosovo albanians are all about. Serbs in North should make Albanians show their passports when entering into Serb parts. Serbia is laughing at you kosovoalbanians, but dont forget our time will come!


pre 14 godina

Wonder how long this would last if MUP lockeddown all borders to "albanian" residents of Kosovo. They wouldn't be pulling provocations like that, what they don't realize is Kosovo cannot survive without Serbia economically.


pre 14 godina

Message from Canada. Disclaimer, I am not Serb, Albanian or have any ancestory from a Balkan country. Just an objective observer. K-Albanians, Harper is a clown to acknowledge any sort of recognition of the farcical "independence" of Kosovo. Not only have K-albs raped the people(both Serbs & some of their fellow Albanians)& the land, now they want paperwork to be presented at their so-called borders?!!!What for? So family members can visit loved ones? Or visitors can see wasteland that was once fertile land destroyed and/or neglected by unproductive, unconcerned Albanians expecting a hand-out, or to visit descecrated Serbian graves, or to pray at vandalized/destroyed centries-old Serbian churches. Trust me, no one really wants to go to a Kosovo run by criminals & to see the damage caused by Albanians. And probably many Serbs & Albanians just want to get on w/ their lives. Why provoke an already delicate situation? Kosovo is part of Serbia in more ways than it will ever be for Albanians, who by the way already have a country. Serbs,I wish I can help you in some way. This is just a disgrace.


pre 14 godina

And just who is going to enforce this nonsense, the Albanians (That’s a joke) EULEX (I don’t think so). This cannot and will not be enforced, this will make the so called Albanian leadership look very numb and it’s not enforced.


pre 14 godina


No ecc, unfortunately for you and your countrymen. Serbia is a transit country for thousands of poor, uneducated and criminal k-albs who want to flee the newly "independent, prosporous, free and democratic Kosovo" for a much better future in the EU. Who's fault is it that so many albs are fleeing now? Milosevics? Serbia is like the US/Mexican border to albanians!

adrian, timisoara, romania

pre 14 godina


"HOWEVER, given that the majority of the world does not recognized the UDI, this move is an attempt by a few countries to impose their will on the whole world community."

Well, not exactly in this case. look at the China/Hong-Kong border. Theyevenneed visa to cross it. So, nothing special.


pre 14 godina

UNFORTUNATELY for the K-Albanians, it is almost impossible for them to enter Serbia. Even with their so called passports.
(Predrag, 14 November 2009 10:51)

Just one correction: FORTUNATELY


pre 14 godina

I do not agree with Kosova govermant as far as Montenegro. They should treat Montenegro just like Albania as far as passport/ID issue."

As soon as ambasadors are exchanged they will be treated differently. With Serbia, in December the customs will be placed North, a total ban on Serbian products and passports. Tit for tat!


pre 14 godina

Considering that Kosovo depends on Serbia for most of its goods, this bureaucracy and provocation will not bring any good to the already weak Kosovo economy.
Know much about economy Pedrag? Kosova USED to buy from Serbia, now Serbian goods make only abou t30% and going to 0% in a year or two. FYROM, Croatia, Albania and Slovenia are taking the place of Serbian goods. Serbia loses, not Kosova. You always find sellers.

If Kosova is Serbia and under UN admin, why are they introducing passport requirement? When is the UN going to stop this?


pre 14 godina


Let's just see how quickly that's going to be enforced. Last I heard when I was in Kosovo Province this summer was the same thing. We didn't even stop at the border. A valiant attempt by the Albanians to give the illusion of control and order, but I give it less than a week before everyone, including law enforcement, ignores it since there's little the KPS can do to impose it beyond hoping KFOR and EULEX will do the work.


pre 14 godina

Way to go Kosovo...
NO more ilegal entering in kosovo(from serbia)...nobody comes in-or-out without a passport..
We should have dooon this long time ago..but..it's better late than never..

Greetings from the most beautiful,youngest,bravest .. KOSOVA..


pre 14 godina

I do not agree with Kosova govermant as far as Montenegro. They should treat Montenegro just like Albania as far as passport/ID issue. I travel frequently to Montenegro from Kosova and never have to show passport on either side, only ID or as some would like to call it "Licna Karta".


pre 14 godina

Kosovo is right. Serbian and Montenegrin citizens are foreign to the new Kosovar nation.
(Gossamer, 14 November 2009 10:25)

Sorry, but Kosovo is part of Serbia. So Serbians are no strangers to the province of Kosovo.

The UN (including the US and EU) should stop this.

This ia a violation of 1244!
And 1244 is still valid! Though you may not like that!

Again: a chance for the world to show that they take international law seriously!


pre 14 godina

The Serbian Ministry for Kosovo called on officials of the international community in Kosovo to do everything they can in order to stop the registration of people entering Kosovo, which is being implemented at some border crossings.
The broken record of your minister now has nothing to say. Requiring passports shatters all illusions and lies.


pre 14 godina

Desperate measures from a desperate people! When all else fails the albanians use measures that will cause greater tension and permenently split the territory in two. No way serbs will accept this, at least not in the North.


pre 14 godina

Yeah, right. Here's the problem. If the majority of the world recognized the UDI and only Serbs rejected it, the Kosovo Albanian officials' decision would have a leg to stand on. HOWEVER, given that the majority of the world does not recognized the UDI, this move is an attempt by a few countries to impose their will on the whole world community. Like many other unilateral actions taken in Kosovo by this faction, this new mandate will too fail to force Serbs to become part of an illegal Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

Right move from the Kosovo Government, Kosovo must show the rest of the world that we are changing the rules and establishing a better Kosovo. When I went with bus I came from the border Leposavic, I had to show passport and they gave me a visa (UNMIK), But I didnt know what to do with unmik so I just leave it. Went home in bordercrossing Merdare, and there it went good.

Common Sense

pre 14 godina

Welcome to Kosovo,Passport please...don't have one!OK, go back and get one then you enter "the province" LOL !!! Kosovo Govt should be thinking about implementing VISAs for Serbian citizens as long as Belgrade don't recognized Kosovo's sovranty!Good fences makes good neighbour


pre 14 godina

Rather than building bridges and working towards peace and prosperity our ethnic Albanian citizens and temporary institutions along with EULEX and NATO continue to waste effort on devising more provocations. When will these people learn?

Now lets hear a whole lot of senseless justification from our ethnic Albanian nationalists.


pre 14 godina

Considering that Kosovo depends on Serbia for most of its goods, this bureaucracy and provocation will not bring any good to the already weak Kosovo economy.

Unfortunately for the K-Albanians, it is almost impossible for them to enter Serbia. Even with their so called passports.


pre 14 godina

I agreee with any measures that would protect Kosova's border security. Kosova has made it clear that is ready to talk and commit to mutual agreements.


pre 14 godina

Way to go Kosovo...
NO more ilegal entering in kosovo(from serbia)...nobody comes in-or-out without a passport..
We should have dooon this long time ago..but..it's better late than never..

Greetings from the most beautiful,youngest,bravest .. KOSOVA..


pre 14 godina

I agreee with any measures that would protect Kosova's border security. Kosova has made it clear that is ready to talk and commit to mutual agreements.

Common Sense

pre 14 godina

Welcome to Kosovo,Passport please...don't have one!OK, go back and get one then you enter "the province" LOL !!! Kosovo Govt should be thinking about implementing VISAs for Serbian citizens as long as Belgrade don't recognized Kosovo's sovranty!Good fences makes good neighbour


pre 14 godina

The Serbian Ministry for Kosovo called on officials of the international community in Kosovo to do everything they can in order to stop the registration of people entering Kosovo, which is being implemented at some border crossings.
The broken record of your minister now has nothing to say. Requiring passports shatters all illusions and lies.


pre 14 godina

Desperate measures from a desperate people! When all else fails the albanians use measures that will cause greater tension and permenently split the territory in two. No way serbs will accept this, at least not in the North.


pre 14 godina

Right move from the Kosovo Government, Kosovo must show the rest of the world that we are changing the rules and establishing a better Kosovo. When I went with bus I came from the border Leposavic, I had to show passport and they gave me a visa (UNMIK), But I didnt know what to do with unmik so I just leave it. Went home in bordercrossing Merdare, and there it went good.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo is right. Serbian and Montenegrin citizens are foreign to the new Kosovar nation.
(Gossamer, 14 November 2009 10:25)

Sorry, but Kosovo is part of Serbia. So Serbians are no strangers to the province of Kosovo.

The UN (including the US and EU) should stop this.

This ia a violation of 1244!
And 1244 is still valid! Though you may not like that!

Again: a chance for the world to show that they take international law seriously!


pre 14 godina

I do not agree with Kosova govermant as far as Montenegro. They should treat Montenegro just like Albania as far as passport/ID issue."

As soon as ambasadors are exchanged they will be treated differently. With Serbia, in December the customs will be placed North, a total ban on Serbian products and passports. Tit for tat!


pre 14 godina

UNFORTUNATELY for the K-Albanians, it is almost impossible for them to enter Serbia. Even with their so called passports.
(Predrag, 14 November 2009 10:51)

Just one correction: FORTUNATELY


pre 14 godina

Considering that Kosovo depends on Serbia for most of its goods, this bureaucracy and provocation will not bring any good to the already weak Kosovo economy.
Know much about economy Pedrag? Kosova USED to buy from Serbia, now Serbian goods make only abou t30% and going to 0% in a year or two. FYROM, Croatia, Albania and Slovenia are taking the place of Serbian goods. Serbia loses, not Kosova. You always find sellers.

If Kosova is Serbia and under UN admin, why are they introducing passport requirement? When is the UN going to stop this?


pre 14 godina

Rather than building bridges and working towards peace and prosperity our ethnic Albanian citizens and temporary institutions along with EULEX and NATO continue to waste effort on devising more provocations. When will these people learn?

Now lets hear a whole lot of senseless justification from our ethnic Albanian nationalists.


pre 14 godina

Yeah, right. Here's the problem. If the majority of the world recognized the UDI and only Serbs rejected it, the Kosovo Albanian officials' decision would have a leg to stand on. HOWEVER, given that the majority of the world does not recognized the UDI, this move is an attempt by a few countries to impose their will on the whole world community. Like many other unilateral actions taken in Kosovo by this faction, this new mandate will too fail to force Serbs to become part of an illegal Kosovo.


pre 14 godina


No ecc, unfortunately for you and your countrymen. Serbia is a transit country for thousands of poor, uneducated and criminal k-albs who want to flee the newly "independent, prosporous, free and democratic Kosovo" for a much better future in the EU. Who's fault is it that so many albs are fleeing now? Milosevics? Serbia is like the US/Mexican border to albanians!


pre 14 godina

I do not agree with Kosova govermant as far as Montenegro. They should treat Montenegro just like Albania as far as passport/ID issue. I travel frequently to Montenegro from Kosova and never have to show passport on either side, only ID or as some would like to call it "Licna Karta".


pre 14 godina

Message from Canada. Disclaimer, I am not Serb, Albanian or have any ancestory from a Balkan country. Just an objective observer. K-Albanians, Harper is a clown to acknowledge any sort of recognition of the farcical "independence" of Kosovo. Not only have K-albs raped the people(both Serbs & some of their fellow Albanians)& the land, now they want paperwork to be presented at their so-called borders?!!!What for? So family members can visit loved ones? Or visitors can see wasteland that was once fertile land destroyed and/or neglected by unproductive, unconcerned Albanians expecting a hand-out, or to visit descecrated Serbian graves, or to pray at vandalized/destroyed centries-old Serbian churches. Trust me, no one really wants to go to a Kosovo run by criminals & to see the damage caused by Albanians. And probably many Serbs & Albanians just want to get on w/ their lives. Why provoke an already delicate situation? Kosovo is part of Serbia in more ways than it will ever be for Albanians, who by the way already have a country. Serbs,I wish I can help you in some way. This is just a disgrace.


pre 14 godina

Considering that Kosovo depends on Serbia for most of its goods, this bureaucracy and provocation will not bring any good to the already weak Kosovo economy.

Unfortunately for the K-Albanians, it is almost impossible for them to enter Serbia. Even with their so called passports.


pre 14 godina


Let's just see how quickly that's going to be enforced. Last I heard when I was in Kosovo Province this summer was the same thing. We didn't even stop at the border. A valiant attempt by the Albanians to give the illusion of control and order, but I give it less than a week before everyone, including law enforcement, ignores it since there's little the KPS can do to impose it beyond hoping KFOR and EULEX will do the work.


pre 14 godina

And just who is going to enforce this nonsense, the Albanians (That’s a joke) EULEX (I don’t think so). This cannot and will not be enforced, this will make the so called Albanian leadership look very numb and it’s not enforced.


pre 14 godina

Look at these Kosovoalbanians trying to implement passports and rules, don't forget people this is the territory where majority of the drugs and crime comes out of to the Balkans then to the rest of the Europe, the so called illegal government of Kosovo should focus more on its people then anyone else it is a known fact what Kosovo albanians are all about. Serbs in North should make Albanians show their passports when entering into Serb parts. Serbia is laughing at you kosovoalbanians, but dont forget our time will come!


pre 14 godina

Good fences makes good neighbour
(Common Sense, 14 November 2009 10:50)

Absolutely right Mr Common Sense!
I agree with you completely.
Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.
Then you could have your passport reguirements if you'd like and we could move freely thru our parts of Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

Wonder how long this would last if MUP lockeddown all borders to "albanian" residents of Kosovo. They wouldn't be pulling provocations like that, what they don't realize is Kosovo cannot survive without Serbia economically.
(AAA, 14 November 2009 22:57)

Serbia has a blockade against all Kosovar goods and we are doing pretty well. Perhaps you have Serbia confused with England, Japan, or China?

Serbia keeps borrowing from IMF, EUB, and RUSSIA to fill the budge gaps...the dinar has lost strength, etc.


pre 14 godina

Serbia has a blockade against all Kosovar goods and we are doing pretty well. Perhaps you have Serbia confused with England, Japan, or China?

Serbia keeps borrowing from IMF, EUB, and RUSSIA to fill the budge gaps...the dinar has lost strength, etc.
(KOSOVARi, 15 November 2009 01:04)

What deluded people these Albanians must be that contribute to this forum. “Kosovar goods”, what are you talking about? Drugs? What does Kosovo produce? Let’s see how long you live if Serbia stops all the rivers flowing to Kosovo???? Your energy comes from generators run on diesel or petroleum brought in by the EU and you guys produce something! Tell me and I’ll go and buy it.
Serbia is an economy that has the capacity which can borrow, perhaps you might enlighten the readers by telling us just how much the IMF will lend to the Albanians in Kosovo!!!! Or Albania proper??? If you are inferring that the Russians own Serbia, well at least we would have received something before handing over our country. Albanians in Kosovo were owned lock, stock and barrel without even parting with a grain of soil.


pre 14 godina

Absolutely right Mr Common Sense!
I agree with you completely.
Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.
Then you could have your passport reguirements if you'd like and we could move freely thru our parts of Kosovo.
(Srboslav, 15 November 2009 01:44)

Correct. North should build wall along Ibar.


pre 14 godina

Passport requirement: EXCELLENT!!!
Should have been done already.
(Joe, 15 November 2009 13:37)

1) Whatfor? And the goal is...your guess.
2) Go to Gate#1 and Gate#31 and see it being "implemented" or maybe not.

Bit more about what I believe is the goal.

An other bombastic "hot air" (call it "fing" in Hungarian) - just to go around the election silence. Just like the speech of US ambassador in Pristina, Mr. Dell.

And that measure is not about the Serbs (or indirectly Russians) you hate that much.

That is about the Drenica group trying to boost themself. Good luck to them, their time will run out one day.

I don't see for you a single reason to like these maffiosi from Drenica - but you know it better than I.


pre 14 godina

This is more or less what WILL happen. And like it or not we shall have a frosen conflict much like Cyprus. IS this a good solution? NO it is not. It will cause uncertainty in other parts of Serbia - Presevo, Sandjak, Vojvodina etc and in BiH. It will slow the integration process of Serbia.
(nik, 15 November 2009 11:06)

Why o why albanians keep talking about Vojvodina. Do you ppl know that Serbs are majority in Vojvodina. What about Raska area or Sandjak? The situation in there is not like you wanted to be. At the end "preševo valley" include only two municipalities Presevo and Bujanovac. Two municipalites are going to proclaim indenpendency! Don't make me laugh!


pre 14 godina

As soon as ambasadors are exchanged they will be treated differently. With Serbia, in December the customs will be placed North, a total ban on Serbian products and passports. Tit for tat!
(arTa, 14 November 2009 17:52)

I would really like to see that. How can you make Serbs in the North to obey to the rules of your so called state. You can't rule with the lifes of Kosovo Serbs expecially not in the North.

You better stop the provocation.

Your so called governement can only install passport control in southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica just like customs control.


pre 14 godina

Wonder how long this would last if MUP lockeddown all borders to "albanian" residents of Kosovo. They wouldn't be pulling provocations like that, what they don't realize is Kosovo cannot survive without Serbia economically.


pre 14 godina

Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.

This is more or less what WILL happen. And like it or not we shall have a frosen conflict much like Cyprus. IS this a good solution? NO it is not. It will cause uncertainty in other parts of Serbia - Presevo, Sandjak, Vojvodina etc and in BiH. It will slow the integration process of Serbia.


pre 14 godina

Better don’t start to build walls around Serb territories as them have high financial cost totally impossible to be guaranteed by Serbia, even with help of Russia.

Well, let’s imagine that you will manage to build them but again they will not stay for long as the Serbian people will knock them down as they had enough living surrounded by walls and fences. So stop imagining.

Kosova is new state now and recognised by 63 states, the others will follow soon.

adrian, timisoara, romania

pre 14 godina


"HOWEVER, given that the majority of the world does not recognized the UDI, this move is an attempt by a few countries to impose their will on the whole world community."

Well, not exactly in this case. look at the China/Hong-Kong border. Theyevenneed visa to cross it. So, nothing special.


pre 14 godina

It's so funny to see all the time Serbs claiming a victory for every defeat. Passport control will be implemented not only by Kosovo border police, but also by Serbian border police, and yet I predict comments like "this is not a recognition of an independent country". I would also like to congratulate the Serbian people for voting in the Kosovo elections.


pre 14 godina

If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
(sj, 17 November 2009 09:09)

This is an acceptable statement. Serbia does have to co-operate for Kosovo to go forward, and it will sooner or later. It is in the interest of Serbia to let Kosovo be independent and democratic. Why would you want to keep Kosovo with 95% Albanian population under Serbia?


pre 14 godina

"Kosova is new state now and recognised by 63 states, the others will follow soon."

Keep dreaming only 63 countries? even your so called government has said it wasn't pleased by now Kosovo was guaranteed to be in the UN by now. It is clear to say that it never will be as long as Serbs have Russia China Indian and other 127 legal UN countries. Kosovo is Serbian!!!


pre 14 godina

It's so funny to see all the time Serbs claiming a victory for every defeat. Passport control will be implemented not only by Kosovo border police, but also by Serbian border police, and yet I predict comments like "this is not a recognition of an independent country". I would also like to congratulate the Serbian people for voting in the Kosovo elections.
(kosovaman, 16 November 2009 16:04)

OK! The Serbs are defeated. Now that you have been satisfied we will look at the truth of this matter. Just like Bosnia, Kosovo has an agreement in place that all sides must adhere to. The US is screwed on both fronts and it can only tell you Albanians about ‘freedom and democracy, blah blah, blah” and how elections are the pathway to heaven. Unfortunately, that’s all Dell can tell you because you see if one side breaks the agreement then the other side can do the same and then all hell breaks loose which is something the US is not keen to do. Your brothers are keeping the US/NATO busy dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The US strategy is to convince Serbs to accept the current situation by having many more countries recognize Kosovo because in order for Kosovo to move ahead Belgrade has to give the green light. The strategy is designed by simpletons because this is what the US has become. If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
To try and impose passports is breaking the agreement and once again you Albanians are the butt of jokes on the US side.
Here is an old saying that relates to the elections, “one swallow does not make it summer”. So a couple of Serbs voted because they were forced because they live in enclaves surrounded by Albanians – what do you guys think that the rest of the world is stupid and don’t know what is going on!


pre 14 godina

If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
(sj, 17 November 2009 09:09)

This is an acceptable statement. Serbia does have to co-operate for Kosovo to go forward, and it will sooner or later. It is in the interest of Serbia to let Kosovo be independent and democratic. Why would you want to keep Kosovo with 95% Albanian population under Serbia?
(kosovaman, 17 November 2009 14:50)

As you seem to be rational and not making motherhood statements, I’ll answer you honestly. My informants tells me that Serbia is willing to trade with the Albanians parts of Kosovo for other parts that have large numbers of Albanians, possibly parts of the Preshovo Valley.

However, as this does not suit the US there are objections from the Kosovar Government. There are agreements signed in 1999 that all parties have to abide by and follow if peace is to continue. If there is no division of Kosovo then the Serbs only have to wait and just like in Bosnia, wave these agreements every time the US wants to change them. The result is a back down all the time just like this passport business – the US tries, Serbia says no and nothing happens.

Unfortunately for the Albanians in Kosovo unless Serbia agrees there is no investment, no IMF funding, no EU funding for expansion etc. which ever way you call it. No corporation or company is going to establish itself in disputed territory. It’s not really costing Serbia too much money to do this. The US is only interested in Camp Bondsteel and they trot out these idiotic statements about freedom and democracy occasionally or they send a Vice President to visit to keep the people happy and give hope.

Personally I agree that Serbia should not keep the Albanians, but until there is an agreement then there is no change.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo is right. Serbian and Montenegrin citizens are foreign to the new Kosovar nation.
(Gossamer, 14 November 2009 10:25)

Sorry, but Kosovo is part of Serbia. So Serbians are no strangers to the province of Kosovo.

The UN (including the US and EU) should stop this.

This ia a violation of 1244!
And 1244 is still valid! Though you may not like that!

Again: a chance for the world to show that they take international law seriously!


pre 14 godina

Desperate measures from a desperate people! When all else fails the albanians use measures that will cause greater tension and permenently split the territory in two. No way serbs will accept this, at least not in the North.


pre 14 godina

Considering that Kosovo depends on Serbia for most of its goods, this bureaucracy and provocation will not bring any good to the already weak Kosovo economy.

Unfortunately for the K-Albanians, it is almost impossible for them to enter Serbia. Even with their so called passports.


pre 14 godina

Rather than building bridges and working towards peace and prosperity our ethnic Albanian citizens and temporary institutions along with EULEX and NATO continue to waste effort on devising more provocations. When will these people learn?

Now lets hear a whole lot of senseless justification from our ethnic Albanian nationalists.


pre 14 godina

Way to go Kosovo...
NO more ilegal entering in kosovo(from serbia)...nobody comes in-or-out without a passport..
We should have dooon this long time ago..but..it's better late than never..

Greetings from the most beautiful,youngest,bravest .. KOSOVA..


pre 14 godina

I do not agree with Kosova govermant as far as Montenegro. They should treat Montenegro just like Albania as far as passport/ID issue. I travel frequently to Montenegro from Kosova and never have to show passport on either side, only ID or as some would like to call it "Licna Karta".


pre 14 godina

I agreee with any measures that would protect Kosova's border security. Kosova has made it clear that is ready to talk and commit to mutual agreements.


pre 14 godina


No ecc, unfortunately for you and your countrymen. Serbia is a transit country for thousands of poor, uneducated and criminal k-albs who want to flee the newly "independent, prosporous, free and democratic Kosovo" for a much better future in the EU. Who's fault is it that so many albs are fleeing now? Milosevics? Serbia is like the US/Mexican border to albanians!


pre 14 godina

Yeah, right. Here's the problem. If the majority of the world recognized the UDI and only Serbs rejected it, the Kosovo Albanian officials' decision would have a leg to stand on. HOWEVER, given that the majority of the world does not recognized the UDI, this move is an attempt by a few countries to impose their will on the whole world community. Like many other unilateral actions taken in Kosovo by this faction, this new mandate will too fail to force Serbs to become part of an illegal Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

The Serbian Ministry for Kosovo called on officials of the international community in Kosovo to do everything they can in order to stop the registration of people entering Kosovo, which is being implemented at some border crossings.
The broken record of your minister now has nothing to say. Requiring passports shatters all illusions and lies.


pre 14 godina

Right move from the Kosovo Government, Kosovo must show the rest of the world that we are changing the rules and establishing a better Kosovo. When I went with bus I came from the border Leposavic, I had to show passport and they gave me a visa (UNMIK), But I didnt know what to do with unmik so I just leave it. Went home in bordercrossing Merdare, and there it went good.


pre 14 godina

I do not agree with Kosova govermant as far as Montenegro. They should treat Montenegro just like Albania as far as passport/ID issue."

As soon as ambasadors are exchanged they will be treated differently. With Serbia, in December the customs will be placed North, a total ban on Serbian products and passports. Tit for tat!

Common Sense

pre 14 godina

Welcome to Kosovo,Passport please...don't have one!OK, go back and get one then you enter "the province" LOL !!! Kosovo Govt should be thinking about implementing VISAs for Serbian citizens as long as Belgrade don't recognized Kosovo's sovranty!Good fences makes good neighbour


pre 14 godina

Considering that Kosovo depends on Serbia for most of its goods, this bureaucracy and provocation will not bring any good to the already weak Kosovo economy.
Know much about economy Pedrag? Kosova USED to buy from Serbia, now Serbian goods make only abou t30% and going to 0% in a year or two. FYROM, Croatia, Albania and Slovenia are taking the place of Serbian goods. Serbia loses, not Kosova. You always find sellers.

If Kosova is Serbia and under UN admin, why are they introducing passport requirement? When is the UN going to stop this?

adrian, timisoara, romania

pre 14 godina


"HOWEVER, given that the majority of the world does not recognized the UDI, this move is an attempt by a few countries to impose their will on the whole world community."

Well, not exactly in this case. look at the China/Hong-Kong border. Theyevenneed visa to cross it. So, nothing special.


pre 14 godina

Better don’t start to build walls around Serb territories as them have high financial cost totally impossible to be guaranteed by Serbia, even with help of Russia.

Well, let’s imagine that you will manage to build them but again they will not stay for long as the Serbian people will knock them down as they had enough living surrounded by walls and fences. So stop imagining.

Kosova is new state now and recognised by 63 states, the others will follow soon.


pre 14 godina

And just who is going to enforce this nonsense, the Albanians (That’s a joke) EULEX (I don’t think so). This cannot and will not be enforced, this will make the so called Albanian leadership look very numb and it’s not enforced.


pre 14 godina


Let's just see how quickly that's going to be enforced. Last I heard when I was in Kosovo Province this summer was the same thing. We didn't even stop at the border. A valiant attempt by the Albanians to give the illusion of control and order, but I give it less than a week before everyone, including law enforcement, ignores it since there's little the KPS can do to impose it beyond hoping KFOR and EULEX will do the work.


pre 14 godina

Message from Canada. Disclaimer, I am not Serb, Albanian or have any ancestory from a Balkan country. Just an objective observer. K-Albanians, Harper is a clown to acknowledge any sort of recognition of the farcical "independence" of Kosovo. Not only have K-albs raped the people(both Serbs & some of their fellow Albanians)& the land, now they want paperwork to be presented at their so-called borders?!!!What for? So family members can visit loved ones? Or visitors can see wasteland that was once fertile land destroyed and/or neglected by unproductive, unconcerned Albanians expecting a hand-out, or to visit descecrated Serbian graves, or to pray at vandalized/destroyed centries-old Serbian churches. Trust me, no one really wants to go to a Kosovo run by criminals & to see the damage caused by Albanians. And probably many Serbs & Albanians just want to get on w/ their lives. Why provoke an already delicate situation? Kosovo is part of Serbia in more ways than it will ever be for Albanians, who by the way already have a country. Serbs,I wish I can help you in some way. This is just a disgrace.


pre 14 godina

Wonder how long this would last if MUP lockeddown all borders to "albanian" residents of Kosovo. They wouldn't be pulling provocations like that, what they don't realize is Kosovo cannot survive without Serbia economically.
(AAA, 14 November 2009 22:57)

Serbia has a blockade against all Kosovar goods and we are doing pretty well. Perhaps you have Serbia confused with England, Japan, or China?

Serbia keeps borrowing from IMF, EUB, and RUSSIA to fill the budge gaps...the dinar has lost strength, etc.


pre 14 godina

UNFORTUNATELY for the K-Albanians, it is almost impossible for them to enter Serbia. Even with their so called passports.
(Predrag, 14 November 2009 10:51)

Just one correction: FORTUNATELY


pre 14 godina

Wonder how long this would last if MUP lockeddown all borders to "albanian" residents of Kosovo. They wouldn't be pulling provocations like that, what they don't realize is Kosovo cannot survive without Serbia economically.


pre 14 godina

Look at these Kosovoalbanians trying to implement passports and rules, don't forget people this is the territory where majority of the drugs and crime comes out of to the Balkans then to the rest of the Europe, the so called illegal government of Kosovo should focus more on its people then anyone else it is a known fact what Kosovo albanians are all about. Serbs in North should make Albanians show their passports when entering into Serb parts. Serbia is laughing at you kosovoalbanians, but dont forget our time will come!


pre 14 godina

Serbia has a blockade against all Kosovar goods and we are doing pretty well. Perhaps you have Serbia confused with England, Japan, or China?

Serbia keeps borrowing from IMF, EUB, and RUSSIA to fill the budge gaps...the dinar has lost strength, etc.
(KOSOVARi, 15 November 2009 01:04)

What deluded people these Albanians must be that contribute to this forum. “Kosovar goods”, what are you talking about? Drugs? What does Kosovo produce? Let’s see how long you live if Serbia stops all the rivers flowing to Kosovo???? Your energy comes from generators run on diesel or petroleum brought in by the EU and you guys produce something! Tell me and I’ll go and buy it.
Serbia is an economy that has the capacity which can borrow, perhaps you might enlighten the readers by telling us just how much the IMF will lend to the Albanians in Kosovo!!!! Or Albania proper??? If you are inferring that the Russians own Serbia, well at least we would have received something before handing over our country. Albanians in Kosovo were owned lock, stock and barrel without even parting with a grain of soil.


pre 14 godina

Passport requirement: EXCELLENT!!!
Should have been done already.
(Joe, 15 November 2009 13:37)

1) Whatfor? And the goal is...your guess.
2) Go to Gate#1 and Gate#31 and see it being "implemented" or maybe not.

Bit more about what I believe is the goal.

An other bombastic "hot air" (call it "fing" in Hungarian) - just to go around the election silence. Just like the speech of US ambassador in Pristina, Mr. Dell.

And that measure is not about the Serbs (or indirectly Russians) you hate that much.

That is about the Drenica group trying to boost themself. Good luck to them, their time will run out one day.

I don't see for you a single reason to like these maffiosi from Drenica - but you know it better than I.


pre 14 godina

Absolutely right Mr Common Sense!
I agree with you completely.
Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.
Then you could have your passport reguirements if you'd like and we could move freely thru our parts of Kosovo.
(Srboslav, 15 November 2009 01:44)

Correct. North should build wall along Ibar.


pre 14 godina

Good fences makes good neighbour
(Common Sense, 14 November 2009 10:50)

Absolutely right Mr Common Sense!
I agree with you completely.
Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.
Then you could have your passport reguirements if you'd like and we could move freely thru our parts of Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

As soon as ambasadors are exchanged they will be treated differently. With Serbia, in December the customs will be placed North, a total ban on Serbian products and passports. Tit for tat!
(arTa, 14 November 2009 17:52)

I would really like to see that. How can you make Serbs in the North to obey to the rules of your so called state. You can't rule with the lifes of Kosovo Serbs expecially not in the North.

You better stop the provocation.

Your so called governement can only install passport control in southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica just like customs control.


pre 14 godina

Serbs should build an Israeli style wall around serbian parts of Kosovo, specially the northern parts around Mitrovica.

This is more or less what WILL happen. And like it or not we shall have a frosen conflict much like Cyprus. IS this a good solution? NO it is not. It will cause uncertainty in other parts of Serbia - Presevo, Sandjak, Vojvodina etc and in BiH. It will slow the integration process of Serbia.


pre 14 godina

This is more or less what WILL happen. And like it or not we shall have a frosen conflict much like Cyprus. IS this a good solution? NO it is not. It will cause uncertainty in other parts of Serbia - Presevo, Sandjak, Vojvodina etc and in BiH. It will slow the integration process of Serbia.
(nik, 15 November 2009 11:06)

Why o why albanians keep talking about Vojvodina. Do you ppl know that Serbs are majority in Vojvodina. What about Raska area or Sandjak? The situation in there is not like you wanted to be. At the end "preševo valley" include only two municipalities Presevo and Bujanovac. Two municipalites are going to proclaim indenpendency! Don't make me laugh!


pre 14 godina

It's so funny to see all the time Serbs claiming a victory for every defeat. Passport control will be implemented not only by Kosovo border police, but also by Serbian border police, and yet I predict comments like "this is not a recognition of an independent country". I would also like to congratulate the Serbian people for voting in the Kosovo elections.


pre 14 godina

"Kosova is new state now and recognised by 63 states, the others will follow soon."

Keep dreaming only 63 countries? even your so called government has said it wasn't pleased by now Kosovo was guaranteed to be in the UN by now. It is clear to say that it never will be as long as Serbs have Russia China Indian and other 127 legal UN countries. Kosovo is Serbian!!!


pre 14 godina

If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
(sj, 17 November 2009 09:09)

This is an acceptable statement. Serbia does have to co-operate for Kosovo to go forward, and it will sooner or later. It is in the interest of Serbia to let Kosovo be independent and democratic. Why would you want to keep Kosovo with 95% Albanian population under Serbia?
(kosovaman, 17 November 2009 14:50)

As you seem to be rational and not making motherhood statements, I’ll answer you honestly. My informants tells me that Serbia is willing to trade with the Albanians parts of Kosovo for other parts that have large numbers of Albanians, possibly parts of the Preshovo Valley.

However, as this does not suit the US there are objections from the Kosovar Government. There are agreements signed in 1999 that all parties have to abide by and follow if peace is to continue. If there is no division of Kosovo then the Serbs only have to wait and just like in Bosnia, wave these agreements every time the US wants to change them. The result is a back down all the time just like this passport business – the US tries, Serbia says no and nothing happens.

Unfortunately for the Albanians in Kosovo unless Serbia agrees there is no investment, no IMF funding, no EU funding for expansion etc. which ever way you call it. No corporation or company is going to establish itself in disputed territory. It’s not really costing Serbia too much money to do this. The US is only interested in Camp Bondsteel and they trot out these idiotic statements about freedom and democracy occasionally or they send a Vice President to visit to keep the people happy and give hope.

Personally I agree that Serbia should not keep the Albanians, but until there is an agreement then there is no change.


pre 14 godina

It's so funny to see all the time Serbs claiming a victory for every defeat. Passport control will be implemented not only by Kosovo border police, but also by Serbian border police, and yet I predict comments like "this is not a recognition of an independent country". I would also like to congratulate the Serbian people for voting in the Kosovo elections.
(kosovaman, 16 November 2009 16:04)

OK! The Serbs are defeated. Now that you have been satisfied we will look at the truth of this matter. Just like Bosnia, Kosovo has an agreement in place that all sides must adhere to. The US is screwed on both fronts and it can only tell you Albanians about ‘freedom and democracy, blah blah, blah” and how elections are the pathway to heaven. Unfortunately, that’s all Dell can tell you because you see if one side breaks the agreement then the other side can do the same and then all hell breaks loose which is something the US is not keen to do. Your brothers are keeping the US/NATO busy dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The US strategy is to convince Serbs to accept the current situation by having many more countries recognize Kosovo because in order for Kosovo to move ahead Belgrade has to give the green light. The strategy is designed by simpletons because this is what the US has become. If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
To try and impose passports is breaking the agreement and once again you Albanians are the butt of jokes on the US side.
Here is an old saying that relates to the elections, “one swallow does not make it summer”. So a couple of Serbs voted because they were forced because they live in enclaves surrounded by Albanians – what do you guys think that the rest of the world is stupid and don’t know what is going on!


pre 14 godina

If Serbia does not give the green light Kosovo stays the same.
(sj, 17 November 2009 09:09)

This is an acceptable statement. Serbia does have to co-operate for Kosovo to go forward, and it will sooner or later. It is in the interest of Serbia to let Kosovo be independent and democratic. Why would you want to keep Kosovo with 95% Albanian population under Serbia?