Journalist brutally attacked

Journalist and columnist for weekly Vreme, Teofil Pančić, was brutally assaulted on a bus by two attackers with metal bars.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 25.07.2010.


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Journalist and columnist for weekly Vreme, Teofil Pancic, was brutally assaulted on a bus by two attackers with metal bars. He suffered injuries to his head and right arm but is in stable condition. Journalist brutally attacked The attack occurred in a public transportation bus headed towards the Belgrade neighborhood of Zemun at about 23:00 CET on Saturday night. “They followed me into the bus and started hitting me, one from the left side and one from the right, they started pulling me, hitting and beating me,” Pancic told B92. “I was not sure what they were hitting me with, and most of the blows were to my head, but they were hard, and then it turns out that it was a metal bar,” he said. “I think that they were trying to get me down on the ground, and when they were not able to, they ran out and started heading towards the center of Zemun,” Pancic added. After calling the police, who took him to the hospital, Pancic was treated for a contusion of the head and an injured right arm. He said that he believes that the attack was not random. “I can only guess what the reason and motive was, because I do not deal with any shady business in my life, I do not owe anyone anything, I have no contacts with the underworld or anything else,” Pancic said. “The reasons could be exclusively tied to my public work and my public engagements. I do not see any other possible reason,” Pancic said. Teofil Pancic (B92 archive)

Journalist brutally attacked

The attack occurred in a public transportation bus headed towards the Belgrade neighborhood of Zemun at about 23:00 CET on Saturday night.

“They followed me into the bus and started hitting me, one from the left side and one from the right, they started pulling me, hitting and beating me,” Pančić told B92.

“I was not sure what they were hitting me with, and most of the blows were to my head, but they were hard, and then it turns out that it was a metal bar,” he said.

“I think that they were trying to get me down on the ground, and when they were not able to, they ran out and started heading towards the center of Zemun,” Pančić added.

After calling the police, who took him to the hospital, Pančić was treated for a contusion of the head and an injured right arm.

He said that he believes that the attack was not random.

“I can only guess what the reason and motive was, because I do not deal with any shady business in my life, I do not owe anyone anything, I have no contacts with the underworld or anything else,” Pančić said.

“The reasons could be exclusively tied to my public work and my public engagements. I do not see any other possible reason,” Pančić said.

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