Terror group "issued call to destroy Serb church"

An ethnic Albanian terrorist group used Facebook late on Sunday to call for the Serb Orthodox church in Đakovica in Kosovo to be destroyed.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 21.01.2013.


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PRISTINA An ethnic Albanian terrorist group used Facebook late on Sunday to call for the Serb Orthodox church in Djakovica in Kosovo to be destroyed. This is according to Pristina's Albanian language daily Koha Ditore, which writes on Monday that the Albanian National Army (ANA), which previously announced "a mobilization" of its members, called on Albanians to attack the church "last night at around 20:00 CET, after the monument to UCPMB was removed (in Presevo)". Terror group "issued call to destroy Serb church" According to the report, the Facebook post said that the church should be destroyed so as to "hit Serbs where it hurts them the most". Djakovica Mayor Djokica Stanojevic told Tanjug today that ethnic Albanians gathered last night to protest, while a part of them attempted to attack the SPC monastery of the Ascension of the Holy Mother of God. The attack was prevented by "the police and international forces", he said. Four nuns are currently in the monastery, which was previously burned down in March 2004, but has since been rebuilt. "The monastery is now being secured by numerous Kosovo police and KFOR members, posted inside and outside," said Stanojevic, and explained that the situation "calmed down after 22:00 CET". According to Koha Ditore, the police "dispersed a group of some ten young men who were gathered in front of the Orthodox church in Djakovica". The police in this town are yet to issue any statement regarding the incident. Tanjug

Terror group "issued call to destroy Serb church"

According to the report, the Facebook post said that the church should be destroyed so as to "hit Serbs where it hurts them the most".

Đakovica Mayor Đokica Stanojević told Tanjug today that ethnic Albanians gathered last night to protest, while a part of them attempted to attack the SPC monastery of the Ascension of the Holy Mother of God.

The attack was prevented by "the police and international forces", he said.

Four nuns are currently in the monastery, which was previously burned down in March 2004, but has since been rebuilt.

"The monastery is now being secured by numerous Kosovo police and KFOR members, posted inside and outside," said Stanojević, and explained that the situation "calmed down after 22:00 CET".

According to Koha Ditore, the police "dispersed a group of some ten young men who were gathered in front of the Orthodox church in Đakovica".

The police in this town are yet to issue any statement regarding the incident.

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