Search for Mladić in village

The search for Hague Tribunal war crimes indictee Ratko Mladić was today taken to a village in central Serbia, said reports.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 18.03.2011.


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The search for Hague Tribunal war crimes indictee Ratko Mladic was today taken to a village in central Serbia, said reports. Members of the Service for Discovering War Crimes and Police Administration of Jagodina searched on Friday morning the weekend house of Radoslav Tepavcevic in the village of Strmosten in the municipality of Despotovac. Search for Mladic in village According to the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution, the search began at 07:00 CET and ended at three hours later on Friday. The operation was carried out due to the suspicion that the weekend house served as a hiding place for the former military leader of Serbs in Bosnia, Tanjug reported. Mladic is wanted by the Hague Tribunal on charges of war crimes and genocide. A file photo of Ratko Mladic (FoNet)

Search for Mladić in village

According to the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution, the search began at 07:00 CET and ended at three hours later on Friday.

The operation was carried out due to the suspicion that the weekend house served as a hiding place for the former military leader of Serbs in Bosnia, Tanjug reported.

Mladić is wanted by the Hague Tribunal on charges of war crimes and genocide.

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