Explosion in Prizren wounds seven

Seven people were injured on Sunday night in a blast in southern Kosovo, police said.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 03.12.2007.


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Seven people were injured on Sunday night in a blast in southern Kosovo, police said. One of the seven injured is in critical condition. The Kosovo Police Service stated that among the injured were one Bulgarian and one Albanian national. Explosion in Prizren wounds seven The explosion occurred in a club suspected as being a front for prostitution and human trafficking activities. KFOR sources stated that a special explosives team (EOD) had found another bag full of explosives and had evacuated neighboring buildings as a precaution.

Explosion in Prizren wounds seven

The explosion occurred in a club suspected as being a front for prostitution and human trafficking activities.

KFOR sources stated that a special explosives team (EOD) had found another bag full of explosives and had evacuated neighboring buildings as a precaution.

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