Minister announces Nikola Tesla Airport deal for fall

Zorana Mihajlovic said on Thursday hat she expected a concession contract for the Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade to be signed this fall, Beta reported.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 23.06.2017.


Minister announces Nikola Tesla Airport deal for fall
(Tanjug, file)

Minister announces Nikola Tesla Airport deal for fall

She added that she expected even better offers for the concession to arrive as the airport in Belgrade was the fastest-growing in the region.

"The Serbian cabinet and numerous consultants and other institutions that participated in developing the airport said that it was completely realistic for offers from concessionaires to reach EUR 350 million and not EUR 50 million as earlier estimated," Mihajlovic said.

Four consortiums and one company have made non-binding offers for the concessional management of the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, who met the conditions for the second phase of the procedure in which binding offers are made, the Airport said on its website.

Non-binding offers were sent by the Meridiam Eastern Europe Investments consortium, the Zurich Airport and Eiffage, the Indian-Greek consortium GMR Infrastructure Limited and Terna, the French Vinci Airports, the South Korean-Turkish-Cypriot consortium Incheon International Airport Corporation, Yatirimlari ve Islatme and VTB Capital Infrastructure and the Chinese consortium HNA and the China National Aero-Technology.

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