Dodik in Brussels: Kosovo is Serbia's internal issue

BiH Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik says he respects the territorial integrity of Serbia and sees Kosovo as an internal issue.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 30.01.2019.


Dodik in Brussels: Kosovo is Serbia's internal issue
(EPA-EFE, file)

Dodik in Brussels: Kosovo is Serbia's internal issue

After the three members of the Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) Presidency met with EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn and the presidents of the European Commission and the European Council Jean Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk, Dodik said that in addition to European integration of the BiH, the conversation also touched on the situation in the region.

"The RS and I will follow what is Belgrade's position. We respect the territorial integrity of Serbia and I consider that Kosovo to be an internal issue of Serbia, that it should solve in dialogue with Pristina," Dodik said.

The chairman of the Presidency emphasized that this his personal position, rather than a common one of the BiH Presidency. Dodik said that in talks with European officials it was assessed that it was necessary for cooperation in the region to gain a new momentum.

"The BiH Presidency has invited all the presidents from the region, except the representatives of Kosovo, to visit BiH and discuss all open issues," Dodik announced in Brussels.

The three-member BiH Presidency thus ended its first official visit to Brussels.

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