"The Question of Life and Death"; Vučić: "I will be crystal clear, we will win"

People in Raska appealed to Vucic: "If violence breaks out, protect the people"

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 13.10.2021.


Foto: Instagram/buducnostsrbijeav

"The Question of Life and Death"; Vučić: "I will be crystal clear, we will win"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said in Raška that he had come to listen to the representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija about the events and to agree on what to do next.

An emergency meeting is being held in the military barracks in Raska due to the shooting in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

A Serb was wounded in the action of the Kosovo police.

After the address of some Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed those present at the session.

"I will not talk too much about the past, nor about how many of us there were before, how we fell to 11% of Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija... I will not go through bad solutions from 1999, including being silent about the pogrom in 2004. Even when Pristina declared its independence, we were silent in Belgrade", said Vucic. He added that he did not want to reiterate what happened in 2011, when the guys present were persecuted by their own country.

"I know what ordinary people think. But I will tell you something. I did not ask you to be with me because you like something, because there is hardly anything nice going on in Kosovo and Metohija. I am quite sure that you know very well that we fought hard and tried to preserve the people, without endangering the entire people and the whole of Serbia", Vucic said.

"I think the same as you, but the question is what is our smartest reaction," said Vucic.

The president explained that the Albanians had the support of at least one state, and that that state was not a member of the EU.

Vučić emphasized that some Western powers are rushing the Albanians because they have a desire to destabilize everything. "Their goal is to destabilize Serbia," Vucic said. "I've never heard of anyone being arrested for biscuits and cans of drink in full gear." "Their army, they fired, we found shell casings, from caliber 556," Vucic added.

The president says that there are three reasons why all this is being done, the first is that the great powers are rushing them.

"Their wish is to destabilize everything, so that they can better manage the processes. Don't forget that their goal is not only an independent Kosovo, but also the weakening of Serbia. Do you think that one of those countries finds it great that Serbia is the first in the region in terms of salaries? Therefore, it is strong enough to invest in churches, monasteries, factories, and even in their army? Of course not, so they want to slow down Serbia. That's the first reason".

"Today, I am afraid that we have someone who is completely irrational in Pristina and we have some malicious people in the international community who want conflicts and want to drag us into them, of course I would like to keep the peace, but I will also tell you that we have no choice."

Vučić then added that emotion is present in everything that is happening, adding that no matter what happens, Serbia and Belgrade will be with the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

"We are facing a difficult period, there will be pressure on the Republika Srpska, before the spring they will seek its disappearance, and everything will fall on the shoulders of Serbia. And the most powerful countries in the world will work on all that," Vucic added. Vučić said that on August 4, 2017, he said that Serbia would not allow new pogroms and storms.

"That's why I came here right away... Serbia and Belgrade are with you."

Vučić said that he had only one message: "I am not like others, and this Serbia is not like it used to be. We will keep the peace. We ask NATO to do its job, I also ask the people of Albania not to bring order by violence, and if they try again, my answer will be crystal clear. In that fight in which we have to protect the lives of children, I tell you with certainty, we will win".

"Joe Biden must not be silent"

Former US Special Envoy for Mediation in Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Richard Grenell, said that the events in Kosovska Mitrovica present a violation of the Brussels Agreement.

"The Brussels Agreement is clear & should be followed - this is a violation of it. The political manipulations by some in Pristina before Sunday’s local elections in Kosovo must stop. This is dangerous & reckless. Joe Biden must also not be silent on this situation", Grenell said on Twitter.

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