Putin to Vucic: See you in Serbia, dear friend

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday celebrated his 66th birthday. His Serbian counterpart was among those who wished the Russian leader a happy birthday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 08.10.2018.


Putin to Vucic: See you in Serbia, dear friend
(Tanjug/AP, file)

Putin to Vucic: See you in Serbia, dear friend

Vucic also said he was looking forward with joy to Putin's upcoming visit to Serbia, while Putin thanked him for the birthday wishes, and confirmed that the visit will take place by saying: "See you in Serbia, dear friend."

Vucic "wished good health and a happy life" to Putin, and to, "with a lot of wisdom, strength and will, continue to achieve success in the responsible position of the president, defend the interests of Russia, and lead the fraternal Russian people along a firmly grounded path of progress."

Vucic also said during the conversation that Serbia is "privileged to have a sincere friend like Russia."

"You, respected president, because of your personal contribution to strengthening the ties between our two countries, enjoy a great reputation in Serbia and the sincere trust of the Serbian people," Vucic emphasized.

He also thanked President Putin for his warm hospitality during a recent visit to Moscow, "because his attention shows his deep respect for Serbia."

"I am very grateful for Russia's help in defending our state and national interests, reflected through active support in the United Nations and all other international organizations where Serbia is protecting its territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as its independence and freedom-loving traditions," he emphasized Vucic.

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