Lavrov criticizes work of OSCE media freedom office

Ivica Dacic late on Wednesday met with Russia's Sergei Lavrov, saying it was "regrettable there was no unity for now in the fight against terrorism."

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 03.12.2015.


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Lavrov criticizes work of OSCE media freedom office

Speaking during a joint news conference with the Russian foreign minsiter - who is in Belgrade for OSCE's Ministerial Council, and whom he previously welcomed at the airport - Dacic said "we must not allow those who say they are fighting against Islamic State to harm each other, as was the case with the shooting down of the Russian aircraft."

Dacic expressed great satisfaction that the OSCE Ministerial Council is being held in Belgrade, noting it would be the biggest political event in this country since the Non-Aligned Summit in 1989.

"Given the number of foreign ministers who came to our country, it is a great recognition for Serbia," Dacic said, adding that 44 foreign ministers are participating in the gathering that is being held on Thursday and Friday.

He expressed "particular satisfaction" that Lavrov, whom he referred to as "a friend and colleague," had arrived and will take part in the conference.

Dacic stated that "ministers of the most important countries" are in Belgrade and will also have bilateral meetings, and that he hoped "some agreements, as well as important decisions will be possible to reach during these talks."

"Among the major decisions, for example, are those on migrations, the fight against terrorism, freedom of the media, a variety of other topics is on the agenda," he said.

Dacic added that he hoped Serbia managed to, during its presidency of the OSCE - "in a year that was not easy and which was marked by a series of conflicts" - contribute to the calming of the situation in Ukraine.

Dacic specifically mentioned the migrant crisis, terrorist acts "across Europe, from Paris, through the destruction of the Russian (passenger) aircraft, to Tunisia, Beirut," and said these topics "will certainly be current" during the Belgrade meeting, about which, he noted, "Lavrov will certainly have plenty to talk about with his counterparts."

"Unlike some other ministers Lavrov is not in Serbia for the first time, but he is always a dear guest and a friend," Dacic added.

Sergei Lavrov addressed the news conference to announce that representatives of Moscow at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade will on Thursday submit a request to find a solution on setting clear and firm criteria by which all OSCE institutions will work - including the Office on Freedom of the Media.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with the work of the office, and asked that it secures freedom of the media "without applying double standards."

According to Lavrov, there are many examples of distortion of information, as well as of preventing journalists from working in a country "because they represent a particular country and the institution of public information."

"It is absolutely clear that the media freedom representative of the OSCE is not working adequately," said Lavrov.

When it comes to Belgrade the conference, he noted that the agenda was "condensed", adding he hoped for consensus on many issues, and that all participants will "put aside all differences."

Lavrov praised Serbia's presidency, saying that "our Serbian friends tried to, in the spirit of OSCE documents, find a balanced approach to all dimensions of this organization."

The high-ranking Russian official then pointed out that respect and defense of international law represents the foundation of the OSCE, as well as respect of sovereignty of other states and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

It is sad, he continued, that precisely Belgrade testifies to the first violation of these fundamental principles of the Helsinki Final Act, referring to NATO's attacks on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in 1999.

"That barbaric act was also carried out by OSCE participating states against another member of this organization. The consequences are still being felt," said Lavrov, adding that Russia is committed to full and consistent respect of the Helsinki Final Act in order not to repeat what happened to Serbia in 1999.

Besides being a sad symbol of the bombing, according to him, the meeting in Belgrade also has the symbolism of hope, "because all OSCE participating states gathered precisely in Serbia, for the jubilee session of the OSCE - the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act."

Lavrov praised Serbia's efforts in the Helsinki +40 process, and expressed his belief that it represents an additional opportunity to lead the OSCE out of its systemic crisis.

The Russian minister thanked Dacic for the effort made to maximize the efficiency and flexibility of the organization.

Lavrov also said he was ready to meet with his Turkish counterpart on the sidelines of the Belgrade summit:

"We wish to clarify the Turkish position, since they are insisting on that meeting, and to hear what the Turks wish to say, beside what they have said publicly. It will be sad if they say nothing new."

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