"Thaci's move should be put on Stoltenberg's table"

The president of Serbia is expected to meet with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. During this month, he is also expected to meet with NATO's secretary general.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 01.10.2018.


Lake Gazivode (Tanjug, file)

"Thaci's move should be put on Stoltenberg's table"

He says this visit was planned earlier and is not directly related to the events in Kosovo and Metohija, but adds that it is "a good opportunity to talk about the casualty of the EU factor that allows for Pristina's ignorance and provocations."

"What (Hashim) Thaci did was intended for his voters and competiton, to show them that he can go to (Lake) Gazivode, which others can't at this moment. This visit came when a lot of protesters gathered in front of his building, who were telling him they disagree with his policy," Simeunovic said. He also thinks that Thaci's gesture should be "put on Stoltenberg's table"

Meanwhle, Tanjug is reporting, citing Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti, that the "storming" of Lake Gazivode, carried out by Kosovo special units in this area in northern, mostly Serb part of Kosovo, took place on Saturday with three KFOR, i.e., NATO drones in the sky above.

According to the newspaper, one of them directly covered the North of the province, "so Belgrade is ruling out the possibility that the military mission was unaware of Thaci's operation."

Furthermore, "citing unnamed sources, the daily said that even UN vehicles could be seen accompanying Thaci."

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric told reporters on Saturday, referring to special Kosovo police forces, that "terrorists stormed in and took over Lake Gazivode" - a major hydro-power resource located in the North - and that they did this so that the president of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, Thaci, could "take a walk" in the area.

Beta agency said that Thaci spent about 15 minutes at the lake - which was recently also visited by President Aleksandar Vucic.

Thaci's trip north came as big protests against his idea of "border corrections" were being held in Pristina.

Thaci's move was met on Saturday by Vucic ordering the Serbian Army to be put on highest alert, and holding an unscheduled news conference in the evening.

Vucic said that Pristina's moves on September 29 and the entry of Kosovo's special units into the north of the territory threatened the peace.

"An attempt was made to elicit a response from Serbia that they, together with part of the international community, could use to demonize our country," Vucic said.

The president explained that the Albanian side broke several agreements, the Brussels agreement, the Agreement on Freedom of Movement, the UN Security Council Resolution and the Military-Technical Agreement.

Vucic added that between 110 and 130 members of three different special police units of Kosovo went to Lake Gazivode, that all of them were Albanians, and that no one had contacted the regional commander for the North, a Serb.

"They had nothing to do in the north of Kosovo armed with rifles," Vucic said.

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