"Kosovo won't hamper relations"

Serbian Ambassador to Croatia says Croatia and Serbia will continue to co-operate despite Croatia’s backing of Ahtisaari’s plan.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 07.04.2007.


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"Kosovo won't hamper relations"

He described the bilateral co-operation in 2006 as "highly-dynami",c which added to the boosting of ties between the two countries.

“2006 has seen a 30 percent rise in trade in comparison to the 2005 figures; Croatian and Serbian armies have established a collaboration accord and nurtured solid communication; customs and police of the two countries have improved ties as have war crimes prosecutors’ offices also work together” Cvetičanin added.

Serbia’s Ambassador to Croatia also highlighted the very close co-operation between Istria and Vojvodina, as well as multilateral collaboration projects such as CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement) and the Pan European pipeline accord, as examples of solid mutual relations.

He added that unresolved issues of the two states were no longer regarded as taboo subjects.

“The issues in question stem from our past, posing a constant challenge to both Croatia and Serbia. What we need is a rational and sensible treatment of the past,” he concluded.

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