Two killed, girl wounded in shooting near Bujanovac

Two people were killed and another wounded last night a shooting near the village of Turija, in the Bujanovac municipality.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 05.05.2017.


Two killed, girl wounded in shooting near Bujanovac

Two killed, girl wounded in shooting near Bujanovac

Two people were killed and another wounded last night a shooting near the village of Turija, in the Bujanovac municipality.

Beta is reporting this quoting the local website Bujanovacke.

According to the website, the shooting happened on the regional road between Bujanovac and Gjilane. The 2-year-old girl who was taken to the southern town of Nis in an abulance.

The website is reporting that it learned unofficially that several people traveling in a car with Kosovo license plates participated in the incident.

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