A single video clip that set the whole world on fire

Izvor: Grulovic Marija

Monday, 24.02.2014.


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A single video clip that set the whole world on fire

Recapitulating the best digital campaigns in the region in 2013, we will bump into several “viral“ hits, numerous interesting ideas and campaigns that were discussed. Some were unique, some already seen, some funny, but only one had managed to exceed the borders of our country, and force journalists and the police to take part in the investigation, thus setting the whole world on fire for a short period of time. This is the story about the video clip with such a strong message that nobody remained indifferent. This is the story about the power of internet. This is the story about people’s empathy. This is the story on the best and most successful digital campaign from the region. EVER.

Video clip One photo a day in the worst year of my life (Jedna fotografija dnevno u najgoroj godini mog života) had appeared on YouTube on anonymous channel fero061982, in the middle of March 2013, depicting a scary “face” of family violence. Only several days after it appeared in public, this video clip was seen by more than 3 million users of this social network, while anonymous channel was swamped with the messages of support, debates on whether it is false or true, as well as with the offers for help. Domestic and foreign journalists had tried to trace down the mysterious girl from the clip, while the police joined investigation. We could only watch the numbers, and the flame that was spreading all over internet. Shocking video clip, that should have attracted the attention of the public both in the country and in the region, in the “teaser“ stage of our campaign in fighting family violence had stirred turbulence worldwide. Several weeks after the initial video clip, we had published an official video clip in which we had revealed the goal of the campaign.

The results were incredible: 21 awards on the prestigious festivals, over 6 million reviews of video clip, generated PR announcements worth EUR 28.859 in the country and 45.000.000 media impressions on the global level. What is most important, the campaign resulted in attracting attention of the competent bodies, while UNDP (United Nations Development Program) had joined B92 Fund in carrying out further activities in fighting family violence. In 2014, two additional safe houses for the victims of family violence will be opened, located in Vranje and Sremska Mitrovica.

What had exactly happened? B92 Fund, known for its campaigns that deal with the issues of crucial importance for the whole society, such as Battle for the Babies, had for a long time addressed the issue of family violence. Creative team of Belgrade based agency Saatchi&Saatchi had designed a video clip to be placed on You Tube platform: video format modeled by the popular video clips on social networks in which the users take photos of themselves every day within a specific period of time. Saatchi had named our video clip “twist”: a beautiful and smiling girl from the beginning of the clip appears afterwards with bruises and injuries on her face. At the start of 2013, Direct Media PR was invited to join the campaign. As this was the first campaign of B92 Fund designed to be launched on the internet and social networks, social media and digital sector of the agency Direct Media PR and Direct Media had joined the campaign. Our assignment was to anonymously distribute this video clip all over local internet community. The goal that we set to ourselves was: 50.000 reviews on YouTube. In order to reach those digits, we had engaged the associates from the agency ipyro, Word of Mouth platform that gathers a network of “influencers“ on social networks in our region. They were not told what is the video clip about. They were only given video clip to distribute it further if they wish. Nobody remained indifferent. More than three-quarter of the community had joined instantly, while for less than a week, this video clip was seen by more than 3 million people. Messages of support were sent, along with the advice of people who used to be victims of family violence from all over the world. All local and foreign media outlets had written about this video clip, among others Huffington Post, Daily Mail, etc.

Social Media Activism: "One Photo A Day" Campaign Against the Domestic Violence from Marija Grulovic

Therefore, good content (in our case, rather bold and shocking), a strong message and a significant “cause” (obviously a universal problem), as well as an active internet community that will make the worthy content visible on social networks had given magnificent results.

This campaign proves that internet is a very powerful tool for distributing message, as well as that internet community is prepared to essentially support significant campaigns.

Awards that the campaign had gained on international festivals in diverse categories:

Prague International Advertising Festival - Art of delivery / Media Engagement - Bronze

Ad Stars Korea - Public Service Announcement - Grand Prix

Ad Stars Korea - Public Relations - Crystal

Golden Drum - Digital / Social network & community - Golden

Golden Drum - Public Relations / Social responsibility - Silver

Golden Drum - Film / Social & charity - Silver

Cresta - TV / On-line film - Bronze

Epica - Public Interest - Silver

Epica - On-line film- Bronze

Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity - Best use of social media - Finalist

Cristal - Film/Public Interest Campaign - Emerald

Cristal - Digital & Mobile/Viral Film category - Sapphire

Adforum - Top 5 of the list of the best international ads

AdForum - Award Greatest hits 2013

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Grand Prix

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Best integrated campaign - Gold

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Campaign created for direct communication - Gold

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Socially responsible PR campaign - Gold

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Digital campaign - Gold

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Digital communication elements - Bronze

Economic Advertisers Association of Serbia - Socially responsible campaigns - Bronze

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