200k migrants and refugees pass through Serbia

The Asylum Protection Center has announced that 200,000 refugees and migrants have passed through Serbia since the start of this year.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 28.09.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

200k migrants and refugees pass through Serbia

"Thousands of people are still arriving in Serbia, four or five days ago there were 4,000 in Presevo and now that number is smaller, but it's still about 1,000 people daily on average."

"I'm afraid that hard times are yet to come, that more people will be arriving and we simply don't have current capacities for sustainable acceptance," Djurovic told state broadcaster RTS on Monday morning, adding that "people are freezing, sickly, and there are many children."

He stressed that refugees and migrants are "quickly leaving he country, from Presevo via Belgrade to Sid," and that they "spend half an hour to one hour in Belgrade and move on."

Djuric said that "people are entering Serbia from Greece and Macedonia" and moving toward Croatia, while some are heading for Subotica near the border with Hungary "and still attempting to cross the border in their own arrangement."

According to him, there have been "discussions about reactivating a route that was used in 2013 and led from Greece via Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy - but was stopped, so that wave again entered Serbia from Montenegro."

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