Two parliamentary groups file Srebrenica genocide resolution

LDP-SDA Sandzak and LSV-Green Party parliamentary groups have submitted a proposal of a resolution on genocide in Srebrenica.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 29.06.2016.


Two parliamentary groups file Srebrenica genocide resolution
(Tanjug, file)

Two parliamentary groups file Srebrenica genocide resolution

The proposed act, it is said, "condemns the genocide in Srebrenica and any denial of genocide, and proclaims July 11 Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica."

The deputies from these parliamentary groups, in the explanation of their proposal, state that its goal is for the Assembly of Serbia "to take a major step towards resolving outstanding issues between Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Serbian and Bosniak (Muslim) peoples."

"The recognition of genocide in Srebrenica is a civilized step that Serbia needs to confirm the seriousness of the intent to build dialogue, cooperation, trust and lasting peace in the region, based on the acceptance of the acts committed in the past, dealing with the past and commitment to justice, support to victims as the basis for strengthen security, stability and prosperity in the region," said the proposed act.

The proposal also "expresses sympathy for all victims of the wars in the former Yugoslavia, as well as for their families and invites all neighboring countries to continue to provide justice and long-term support to survivors, including as necessary to those who have been victims of sexual violence."

It further "confirms the commitment of the state to prevent genocide and other serious crimes, supporting efforts to implement investigations and prosecution of persons indicted for genocide in Srebrenica, and undertakes to use all available means and mechanisms to investigate and prosecute those responsible."

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