Đelić continues Davos blog

The Democrat’s candidate for prime minister meets Jean-Philippe Courtois and Peter Gabriel, and blogs about it at <a href="http://blog.b92.net/node/4022" class="text-link" target= "_blank">B92.net</a>.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 28.01.2007.


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Đelić continues Davos blog

“It is a little known fact that Belgrade was home to one of only four developing centers for Vista OS outside the U.S. Mr. Courtois gave me a copy of Vista, while I presented him with a copy of my book”.

“We have agreed to make an ambitious long-term plan for the development of Serbia’s e-government, after the new, reform cabinet has been formed. The idea is to make a global example of Serbia, where Microsoft would invest more funds and time than the actual investment budget figures show. We can do it.”

“I am especially encouraged by his will to further invest in the Belgrade Development Center. A huge thank you and well done to all the girls and boys from the Belgrade Center who have done us proud! That is how Serbia’s reputation needs to be built in the world of IT”, Đelić writes, adding that Microsoft’s influence would bring many more investors to Serbia.

“We have agreed to organize Bill Gates’ visit to Belgrade this fall, on the occasion of the signing of a strategic partnership agreement with our country. I dream about a jam-packed Sava Center (or the Arena if need be…), with Bill Gates telling us about the future of technology and Serbia’s important place in it!” Đelić writes that he held a series of meetings with the deans and presidents of some of the world’s leading universities such as Harvard, INSEAD, Berkley and the London School of Economics, discussing the establishment of the State Scholarship Fund.
“Thirdly, I attended the LOVE dinner dedicated to climate change, where I met Peter Gabriel, whose art I enjoy very much. Of course, right away I asked him to come to Belgrade where he has a lot of fans, and we exchanged contact information. We’ll give it a try, though it doesn’t seem likely at this time as he is involved in many other things. We’ll try. He arrived here with his ex-girlfriend Claudia Schiffer, who attracted a lot of attention…”, Đelić concludes in his third blog entry in Serbian at B92.net.

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