"Šarić gang made EUR 1bn annually"

Darko Šarić's crime group was making at least one billion euros a year, Ministry of Justice State Secretary Slobodan Homen says.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 15.02.2010.


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Darko Saric's crime group was making at least one billion euros a year, Ministry of Justice State Secretary Slobodan Homen says. Saric, a Montenegrin who was given Serbian passport in 2005, is currently at large, while his gang is suspected of last year organizing the smuggling of over two tons of cocaine from South America to Europe. "Saric gang made EUR 1bn annually" Homen said that they laundered the drug money in sport clubs and privatizations, to then legalize it through investments. He also noted that while Saric's group started operating some ten years ago, they moved to Serbia in 2005. Homen, who took part in B92 TV's Impression of the Week talk show last night, addressed the issue of whether some of Saric's illegal wealth went to the country's political parties. "If I were Saric, and if I had that kind of money, I would finance all political parties, both in government and opposition, because that's the only reliable protection." When host Olja Beckovic noted that "perhaps that's precisely what he did," Homen said: "Obviously, that chain broke someplace when this government decided to go for a showdown with him. It's hard to say whether someone financed – history will show." Interpol's Serbia office chief Milos Oparica was a guest on the same program and said that Serbian police focused on Saric when they learned in 2000 that he was suspected of money laundering in a foreign country. Oparica said that the gang was active abroad, and started buying real estate in Montenegro and Serbia in 2005. He also stated that he believes that Saric was tipped off about an imminent arrest operation, and thus managed to escape. According to Oparica, Saric is now hiding in a location "that someone told him would be safe". Special Organized Crime Prosecutor Miljko Radisavljevic said that a decision would be made this week on forfeiture of the Saric property gained through illegal activities.

"Šarić gang made EUR 1bn annually"

Homen said that they laundered the drug money in sport clubs and privatizations, to then legalize it through investments.

He also noted that while Šarić's group started operating some ten years ago, they moved to Serbia in 2005.

Homen, who took part in B92 TV's Impression of the Week talk show last night, addressed the issue of whether some of Šarić's illegal wealth went to the country's political parties.

"If I were Šarić, and if I had that kind of money, I would finance all political parties, both in government and opposition, because that's the only reliable protection."

When host Olja Bećković noted that "perhaps that's precisely what he did," Homen said:

"Obviously, that chain broke someplace when this government decided to go for a showdown with him. It's hard to say whether someone financed – history will show."

Interpol's Serbia office chief Miloš Oparica was a guest on the same program and said that Serbian police focused on Šarić when they learned in 2000 that he was suspected of money laundering in a foreign country.

Oparica said that the gang was active abroad, and started buying real estate in Montenegro and Serbia in 2005. He also stated that he believes that Šarić was tipped off about an imminent arrest operation, and thus managed to escape.

According to Oparica, Šarić is now hiding in a location "that someone told him would be safe".

Special Organized Crime Prosecutor Miljko Radisavljević said that a decision would be made this week on forfeiture of the Šarić property gained through illegal activities.

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