Pressure mounts on fugitive student

Miladin Kovačević’s lawyer claims that the warrant for his client’s arrest is not substantiated with any evidence.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 09.07.2008.


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Miladin Kovacevic’s lawyer claims that the warrant for his client’s arrest is not substantiated with any evidence. Veselin Cerovic also said that the legal status of Kovacevic, who is wanted by the U.S. authorities for assaulting a fellow student, was not in any jeopardy. Pressure mounts on fugitive student Interpol issued a “red warrant” for Kovacevic’s arrest who is charged with “crimes against life and health”. That warrant means that Kovacevic cannot leave Serbia, as otherwise he will be arrested and deported to the United States. Cerovic told B92 that it was unusual for a “red warrant” to be issued in such a case. He said that his client had gone through hell while in custody. "Initially he was insulted on a national basis, as a Serb, that he was a Serb monster who had beaten up a fellow student. He was badly abused by both prisoners and prison officers alike,” Cerovic said. Law Professor Milan Skulic said that the Serbian authorities would have to act in line with the Interpol warrant and arrest Kovacevic. However, Serbian laws do not allow extradition of a Serbian citizen to a foreign country, so the only logical solution, according to Skulic, would be to try Kovacevic in Serbia. "I think that for him, it would be best for such proceedings to start here as soon as possible, because Serbia’s judicial system allows for our laws to be applied even for offenses committed abroad. And that is the most realistic solution. Then, it will be up to our courts to deliver the verdict that would be most appropriate,” explained Skulic. Former ambassador to Washington Milan St. Protic said that the vice-consul had committed a misdemeanor, and that Serbia’s reputation had been severely damaged. "He lied to the court, and escaped from the country with the help of a Serbian diplomat who thus became an accomplice. He is now facing criminal charges in the U.S.,” said Protic. Meanwhile, pressures from U.S. senators continue to grow. New York Senator Charles Schumer said that Washington would send an official request to the Serbian authorities for Kovacevic’s extradition to the U.S.

Pressure mounts on fugitive student

Interpol issued a “red warrant” for Kovačević’s arrest who is charged with “crimes against life and health”. That warrant means that Kovačević cannot leave Serbia, as otherwise he will be arrested and deported to the United States. Cerović told B92 that it was unusual for a “red warrant” to be issued in such a case.

He said that his client had gone through hell while in custody.

"Initially he was insulted on a national basis, as a Serb, that he was a Serb monster who had beaten up a fellow student. He was badly abused by both prisoners and prison officers alike,” Cerović said.

Law Professor Milan Škulić said that the Serbian authorities would have to act in line with the Interpol warrant and arrest Kovačević. However, Serbian laws do not allow extradition of a Serbian citizen to a foreign country, so the only logical solution, according to Škulić, would be to try Kovačević in Serbia.

"I think that for him, it would be best for such proceedings to start here as soon as possible, because Serbia’s judicial system allows for our laws to be applied even for offenses committed abroad. And that is the most realistic solution. Then, it will be up to our courts to deliver the verdict that would be most appropriate,” explained Škulić.

Former ambassador to Washington Milan St. Protić said that the vice-consul had committed a misdemeanor, and that Serbia’s reputation had been severely damaged.

"He lied to the court, and escaped from the country with the help of a Serbian diplomat who thus became an accomplice. He is now facing criminal charges in the U.S.,” said Protić.

Meanwhile, pressures from U.S. senators continue to grow. New York Senator Charles Schumer said that Washington would send an official request to the Serbian authorities for Kovačević’s extradition to the U.S.

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