Orbán: "It is legal hooliganism. Shameful"

Actions against Hungary, initiated by the EC due to the law that it considers discriminatory towards LGBT people, are equal to "legal hooliganism", Orbán says.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 16.07.2021.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Francisco Seco, Pool, File

Orbán: "It is legal hooliganism. Shameful"

It is a shame, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán added during an interview for state radio.

The European Commission’s legal action launched against Hungary over measures it said discriminated against LGBT people amounts to “legal hooliganism” and is “shameful”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told state radio on Friday, as Reuters reports.

"We cannot let sex lobbyists enter our schools. Brussels is forcing us to do something we do not want," Orbán added, as reported by the MTI agency.

Human rights groups protested against the law, which the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, called - "a disgrace".

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