The Americans announced: This is how the Russians downed their "Reaper" VIDEO

U.S. Air Force releases footage of March 14 incident between MQ-9 Reaper UAV & two Russian Su-27s over the Black Sea resulting in drone being downed.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 16.03.2023.


The Americans announced: This is how the Russians downed their
Tanjug/AP Photo/Massoud Hossaini, File

The Americans announced: This is how the Russians downed their "Reaper" VIDEO

U.S. claims "unsafe & unprofessional intercept," Russia says drone moved "provocatively" toward border.

The incident happened on March 14, when there was an encounter with Russian fighter planes "Su-27".

It immediately attracted the attention of the whole world, since the USA and Russia are on the verge of conflict, especially since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The Russian ambassador in Washington was invited to the meeting, and after that the meeting between the American and Russian defense ministers took place.

Also, the U.S. media made simulations of the meeting of the "Ripper" and the "Sukhoi", and according to one of them, the Russian "Su-27" passed under the American drone 19 times, after which one "kicked" it.

Now the video has been released by U.S. "Air Force", but from the perspective of the downed drone. They claim that the "Ripper" was shot down due to an unsafe and unprofessional interception.

However, that recording also matches the simulation of the US media.

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