"Tensions are still running high"

The EU's special envoy in the dialogue, Miroslav Lajčak, spoke from Brussels.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Monday, 12.06.2023.



"Tensions are still running high"

He spoke after the meetings he had last week together with US emissary Gabriel Escobar in Belgrade and Pristina with the aim of de-escalating the situation in the north of Kosovo and pointed out that despite the hopes they had, tensions are still growing.

Lajcak posted on Facebook and pointed out that together with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary and the envoy for the Western Balkans, Escobar, he traveled to the region with the aim of dealing with the tense situation in the north of Kosovo.

''We travelled to the region with the aim to address the tense situation in the north of Kosovo we have all witnessed over the last week and explore the potential for a political solution'', Lajcak said.

''In Kosovo, we met with the top leadership including President Osmani, Prime Minister Kurti and first Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi. Our discussion were long. We conveyed our concerns about the situation in the north and emphasized the need for immediate de-escalation. We reiterated what both the EU and the US have asked the Parties to do when calling for a political solution: immediate de-escalation, early elections with the participation of Kosovo Serbs and a return to Dialogue on normalization'', Lajcak said.

He pointed out that the representatives of the Kosovo opposition were told that the current crisis is damaging the image of Kosovo, and they were asked to support a political solution to calm the tensions.

''DAS Escobar and I met with both representatives of Srpska Lista and of civil society, to hear from them and explain why it is important that Kosovo Serbs participate in new elections'', Lajcak concluded.

''From Pristina, we continued our mission to Belgrade. In Belgrade we had equally long and also not easy discussions with President Vucic. We explained to him how he should contribute to a way out of the current crisis and we addressed the complex situation of the Serbs in Kosovo. We particularly highlighted that while all citizens have the right to peacefully protest, violence is never acceptable and there cannot be any impunity.

DAS Escobar and I have hoped for more as a result of our mission, but unfortunately, despite some positive signals, tensions are still running high'', Lajcak explains.

He pointed out that he came to Brussels to inform the EU and the member states about the results of these talks and the next steps.

''We continue our effort to enable and support a sustainable political solution'', Lajcak concluded.

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