"Circus continues," says Hague cooperation council chief

After <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/crimes.php?yyyy=2014&mm=12&dd=01&nav_id=92424" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the Hague Prosecution asked the Trial Chamber to order Vojislav Seselj to return</a> to the detention unit, Rasim Ljajic said that "the circus continues."

Izvor: RTS

Tuesday, 02.12.2014.


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"Circus continues," says Hague cooperation council chief

"The prosecution seeks that he (Seselj) returns and is trying to put the ball in our court. We will take no part in that discussion between the prosecution and the tribunal," Ljajic told the RTS broadcaster.

He stressed that "everything is happening outside our influence, while the unprecedented case continues."

The Trial Chamber has no deadline by which it must decide on the prosecution's demand.

"When a decision is made we will see what we will do. Until then, we do not wish to deal with that," said Ljajic.

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