Report: French court originally ruled to extradite Haradinaj

A court in Colmar, France, on Thursday <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">ruled not to extradite Ramush Haradinaj</a> to Serbia after reversing its original decision in favor of Serbia's request.

Izvor: Prva TV

Thursday, 27.04.2017.


Report: French court originally ruled to extradite Haradinaj
(Tanjug/AP, file)

Report: French court originally ruled to extradite Haradinaj

The broadcaster said it learned that the court then ruled against this "as the consequences of extradition would have been very grave for Haradinaj."

Euronews this morning reported on its website about the original decision and its reversal - but this article was later removed.

Reuters also first reported that Haradinaj would be extradited to Serbia, but corrected the report several minutes later.

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