Russians and Chinese patrol: "Demonstration of power"

Russian and Chinese warships organized the first joint patrols in the western part of the Pacific Ocean from October 17 to 23.

Izvor: Voice of America

Monday, 25.10.2021.


Russians and Chinese patrol:
Ilustracija, foto: EPA/SEDAT SUNA

Russians and Chinese patrol: "Demonstration of power"

"Russian and Chinese warships organized the first joint patrols in the western part of the Pacific Ocean from October 17 to 23", this was announced by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Moscow and Beijing, which organized naval co-operation exercises in the Sea of Japan earlier in October, have maintained closer military and diplomatic ties in recent years at a time when their relations with the West have deteriorated.

The naval maneuvers were closely monitored by Japan, which announced earlier this week that a group of 10 ships from China and Russia sailed through the Tsugaru Strait, which separates the main Japanese island from its northern island of Hokkaido, reports "Voice of America".

"A group of ships passed through the Tsugaru Strait for the first time as part of a patrol," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. The Strait is considered international waters.

"The tasks of the patrol were to demonstrate the Russian and Chinese national flags, to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and to take care of the subjects of maritime economic activity of the two countries," the Russian ministry added.

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